News News Neighbourhoods Select an option...HaukipudasHiukkavaaraJääliKaakkuriKaijonharju-RitaharjuKarjasilta-HöyhtyäKastelliKaukovainioKelloKeskustaKiiminkiKorvensuoraMaikkulaMyllyojaOulunsaloPateniemi-RajakyläPuolivälinkangasTuira-ToppilaYli-IiYlikiiminki Topics Select an option...asioi verkossahyvinvointiosallistu ja vaikutatapahtumatasiointi ja neuvontaasuminen ja rakentaminenkadut kartat ja liikennekaupunkisuunnittelukoulutus ja opiskelukulttuurikulttuuri ja kirjastotkärkihankkeetliikuntaliikunta ja ulkoiluluonto ja ulkoilupäätöksenteko ja hallintoturvallisuustyö ja elinkeinotvarhaiskasvatus ja esiopetusympäristö ja luontopääuutinen Audiences Select an option...ikääntyneetlapset ja lapsiperheetmaahanmuuttajatmatkailijatnuoretopiskelijatyrittäjät ResetRSS Feed 04.07.2024 The city of Oulu challenges us to fix the planet ourselves – building sustainable future together 02.07.2024 Renovation of the intersection of Jääsalontie and Paperitehtaantie begins 27.06.2024 Four new traffic light intersections in the Oulu city centre 26.06.2024 Free of charge lunch for young adults between 18–29 in July 20.06.2024 A discussion for Oulu’s foreign-language speaking citizens about current safety issues on Wednesday June 26 at 15–17 20.06.2024 Oulu Summer Festival 2024 20.06.2024 Midsummer Events in Oulu 19.06.2024 Oulu aims to advance an action programme for combating racism and promoting equality in collaboration with the state government 18.06.2024 Three business consortiums chosen for Oulu’s Arena negotiations 17.06.2024 The city of Oulu participates in the SuomiAreena in Pori with the theme of sustainable future 17.06.2024 The city of Oulu's administration condemns violent acts 13.06.2024 Free of charge summer events at Oulu’s Park Picnics 11.06.2024 The Oulu Days program is coming together – there is still time to join 10.06.2024 Children’s free of charge traffic park is open 31.05.2024 A list of summer activities for families in the Tuira and Toppila regions 30.05.2024 The renewal of Nallikari continues through the summer 2024 30.05.2024 The European Election's advance voting has begun 29.05.2024 Participatory Budgeting’s voting results have been settled – 33 proposals will be implemented 27.05.2024 Libraries’ summer opening hours 1.6.–1.9. 24.05.2024 The city of Oulu is collecting ideas from the citizens 24.05.2024 Free of charge Park Lunches for under 18-year-olds in three parks in June 24.05.2024 Colorful Restaurant on May 25 at Oulu International School 21.05.2024 The culture of ideas, strokes of genius and testing will fill the Oulu Energia Arena on May 21–22 20.05.2024 Join us on Oulu City’s regional residents’ evening at Tuira on 30.05 - the residents’ evening is now bilingual! 17.05.2024 Oulu City Hall will celebrate its opening week on October 7–13 – the Hall will be filled with events 16.05.2024 The city of Oulu launches the Experience Arena Project 13.05.2024 Oulu is Looking for Partners for the Cultural Partnership Agreements for the 2025–2027 Season 06.05.2024 Oulu’s Participatory Budgeting vote is now open: how should the city use 240 000 euros? 30.04.2024 Ari Alatossava is Oulu’s new Mayor 29.04.2024 Voting begins in Oulu’s Participatory Budgeting on May 6 Pagination Previous page < Page 1 Page 2 Current page 3 Page 4 Page 5 … Last page 9 Next page >