Swimming schools for primary school children during the fall break


The city of Oulu’s Sport Services organizes swimming schools for primary school children during the fall break 2024. They are offering beginner swimming schools for children between ages 6–10, continuation swimming schools for children between ages 7–10, and advanced swimming schools for children between ages 8–11. Swimming schools are held on weekdays during the fall break in the Oulu Swimming Pool in Raksila. 

A child can participate in beginner swimming school when they can move independently in water, submerge their face and ears and blow bubbles into water as well as float and slide with equipment. At the beginner swimming school, the children will learn the basics of swimming while playing. The goal of the swimming school is to learn to dive, float, slide and swim for 5 meters in any style.  

A child can participate in continuation swimming school when they have learned the skills taught in beginner swimming school. Basic swimming techniques are taught in the continuation swimming schools. The goal is to learn to swim for at least 10 meters on your stomach and 10 meters on your back as well as reinforce diving skills with different exercises.  

At advanced swimming schools, a child practices freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke techniques. A child can participate when they have learned the skills taught in continuation swimming school. The goal is to learn to swim for 25 meters with breast- and backstroke.  

You can register for the swimming schools in the online registration service www.kuntapalvelut.fi/oulu. Swimming schools are paid for online in connection with registration.