Hintta Water Plant’s extensions will ensure water supply in Oulu in the future


The city of Oulu’s water management’s central investment, the expansion of the Hintta Water Plant, has progressed into defining general plans. Construction should begin next year. The expansion will increase the city’s water treatment capacity for the growing water needs. 

The plan alteration for the Hintta Water Plant was approved by the Oulu City Council in February 2022. However, a complaint was filed against the plan which was dismissed by the Northern Finland’s Administrative Court. The final seal for the project came in June of 2024 when the Administrative Court dismissed the complaint. Thus, the plan has received legal force and construction may begin. The investment is estimated to be approximately 30 million € and it will primarily take place in 2026–2027. 

Increasing capacity is necessary 

The expansion of the Hintta Water Plant is a central project for ensuring the city of Oulu’s drinking water supply. Today, Oulu’s drinking water is sanitated from the Oulujoki River in the Hintta and Kurkelanranta Water Plants. The portion of treated water in the Hintta Water Plant is approximately half of the citizens’ water. The expansion will meet the growing water needs of the city which is estimated to increase significantly by 2050. 

“Oulu’s water treatment’s capacity increase plays a critical role in ensuring the city’s vitality and undisturbed water supply”, explains Oulu Waterworks Public Utility’s Director Jouni Lähdemäki

The capacity of Hintta and Kurkelanranta Water Plants are already fully in use at times. Both plants are over 50 years old, and their renovation is absolutely necessary. Before starting the renovation, it is important to increase capacity to ensure the water supply during disturbances and exceptional circumstances. 

New plant and connecting water line will support the growing water needs 

The Hintta expansion will includes a new plant that will act independently in connection with the water plant. A new raw water line and a drinking water basin will be constructed into the new plant that will support current and future water treatment. Additionally, a new connecting water line will be constructed between the Hintta and Kurkelanranta Water Plants which increases the certainty of water supply. 

Once the expansion is finished, Oulu’s water treatment will be more sustainable and will be able to meet the needs of the growing population and possible disturbances. 

“Securing Oulu’s water supply is a significant urban risk, and this expansion is a significant step towards undisturbed water supply in the future”, Lähdemäki states.  

Once the Hintta Water Plant has been expanded, the renovation of the Hintta and Kurkelanranta Water Plants can begin. This will ensure the reliability of the city’s water supply far into the future.  

The city of Oulu ensures the city centre’s water supply significantly in the coming years. The new Hintta plant’s planning is currently underway, and its construction will begin in 2025. Water supply is developed with a backup water project based on groundwater. An approved permit and a preparation permit for the Viinivaara groundwater region were received on November 21, 2023. The processing in Vaasa’s Administrative Court is estimated to take until the end of 2025. Oulu’s city centre currently belongs to the low security class 3, which will be improved with the groundwater project as groundwater will be utilized on top of surface waters. 

Juha Hiltula is substituting as the Oulu Waterworks Director 

Juha Hiltula begins as the Oulu Waterworks Public Utility’s substitute Director starting from October 1 until October 31, 2024, when Jouni Lähdemäki’s employment ends. Juha Hiltula will continue as the substitute Director until the complaint regarding the position is legally settled.