Kuvituskuva, Oulun kaupungintalo

President Stubb visits Oulu and Kemi


The President of the Republic Alexander Stubb will be visiting Oulu and Kemi on Wednesday October 23, 2024.  

In the morning, President Stubb will visit the University of Oulu and familiarize himself with the 6G research programme and business cooperation. From the University, the President will proceed to the inauguration of the University Hospital of Oulu where he will hold a celebratory speech. 

During lunch, President Stubb will meet with the city of Oulu’s representatives and discuss current matters with them. 

In the afternoon, there will be a public meeting in the Shopping Centre Valkea at approximately 12.15. 

By the end of the visit, President Stubb will participate in the inauguration of Metsä Group’s bioproduct mill in Kemi as a celebratory speaker.