Day of Love Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement 

Updated April 18, 2024 


The city of Oulu, central administration (Business ID 0187690-1) 
Torikatu 10, 90100 OULU 
(08)558 410 (telephone exchange) 
PL 17, 90015 Oulun kaupunki 

Registrar Representative 

The city of Oulu, central administration 
Director of Communications, Events and Marketing 
Mikko Salmi 

Contact Person 

Eeva Ojala 

Data Protection Officer 

Register Title 

Kaupungintalon vihkitilaisuuden arvonnan osallistujarekisteri 
The City Hall wedding ceremony draw participant register 

Data Storage (required) 

Intention and legal basis of processing personal information 

Participation information input by the registering person includes the following pieces of personal information: name, e-mail address, phone number, a freeform story of the person’s background. 

The personal information is processed to implement the agreement between the registrar and the registered person as well as appropriately in contacting, services, marketing, and in connection with and to ensure situational customer relationship measures based on the registered person’s consent. 

The event participant agrees that the event may be recorded (pictures or videos), and the recordings may be used in the event’s communications and marketing during and after the event. 

If the registered person does not deliver the requested information for the application, the registrar cannot accept the application of the registered person and cannot pledge for the agreement between the registered person and the registrar.  

Data storage period 

The personal information is stored for six months. The information is deleted when the aforementioned period has passed. 

Regulated distribution of information 

Data is stored in the city of Oulu’s event management service. Registered information might be shared within the organization and between event organizing partners. Information will not be transferred outside of the EU or EEA.  

Principles of register protection 

Data is protected with technical protection. Physical access to the data is obstructed with access control and other security measures. Access to the data requires sufficient access and multi-factor authentication. Access to the data is also restricted with firewalls and technical protection measures for example. Only the registrar and separately appointed technical persons can access the data. Only appointed persons can process and maintain the register’s data. The users are under an obligation of confidentiality. Backup copies of the data are made securely and can be restored if needed. The security level is audited regularly either by internal or external auditors.  

Rights of the registered person 

Right to inspect, deny and correct 

You have the right to: 

  • Inspect information about yourself 
  • Request correcting your information 
  • Demand your information to be deleted (does not include legislated duties) 
  • Demand the restriction of processing your information 
  • Object to the processing of your information 
  • Request transferring information you have given from one registrar to another 
  • Cancel your agreement if the processing of the information is based on your consent 
  • Not to end up as a target of automatic decision-making 


Deliver requests regarding the registered persons rights: 

City of Oulu Registry 
PL 71 
90015 Oulun kaupunki 
Visiting address: Kansankatu 55 A, 90100 Oulu 
Electronic requests to: 

The registered person has the right to deliver the matter to be processed by the Data Protection Officer if the registered person believes that legislation is violated in the processing of personal information.  
Name of the supervisory authority: Data Protection Officer 
Further information about the rights of the registered person: