Influencing Citizens Oct. 10

On Thursday, October 10, the citizens of Oulu get to influence as an Oulu Panel is organized at City Hall. Oulu’s participatory budgeting ideas that citizens came up with and voted on are also presented. On Thursday, you may explore the City Hall during the Open House and participate in City Hall Tours.

Aerial photo of the City Hall

Oulu Panel

An Oulu Panel is arranged at City Hall which is an open discussion for all citizens of the municipality. The themes of the Oulu panel are well-being and communality and citizens of Oulu act as the panelists. The open application for the role of panelists will open in August. All the ideas and thoughts collected during the Oulu Panel will affect the Well-Being Plan of the next council term. The event is free of charge and open for public. 

Värttö barbeque site, implemeted via participatory budgeting

Participatory Budgeting Implementations

Participatory budgeting is an operations model in which citizens get to participate in the planning of the use of tax resources. Every year, the citizens get to come up with ideas and decide which ideas will be implemented by the city by voting in order to promote the well-being and comfort of the citizens. You may explore the implementations of the ideas at City Hall.