A Day of Cultures and Internationality Oct. 9

On Wednesday, October 9, we get to celebrate cultures and internationally. Participate in a language school, explore Oulu’s cultures and admire the fashion and music of different nationalities! On Wednesday, you may explore the City Hall during the Open House sand participate in City Hall Tour in English.

A bed of flowers at the front of City Hall

Culture Tour

There are over 200 different cultures represented in Oulu. During the City Hall opening week, you may learn more about these cultures with lectures and workshops that are spread all over the City Hall on Wednesday. Entry to the lectures and workshops is free of charge for the public. 

Picture of two women dancing

The Many Faces of Oulu’s People

In the evening, dance and music performances and fashion shows of Oulu’s citizens’ different nationalities in the City Hall’s banquet hall during the Oululaisuuden monet kasvot evening party (fin. the many faces of Oulu’s people). Entry to the evening party is free of charge for the public.