City Hall Exhibitions

Along with the renovation of the City Hall, new exhibition spaces have been built on the bottom floor. During the opening week, two exhibitions are opened, and you are free to come see them during the entire opening week. The exhibition’s opening ceremonies are held on Monday, October 7. 

The exhibitions are open every day of the opening week from 12.00–19.00. There is an accessible entrance to the exhibition spaces from Hallituskatu. 

A black-and-white photo of the City Hall in the summer.

Social Club – A Building for the Citizens

Come see the new exhibition by the Museum of North Ostrobothnia, Seurahuone – kaupunkilaisten talo, kuvia vuosien varrelta (fin. Social Club – the house of the citizens, pictures from along the years). The building that was originally built as a social club – i.e. a restaurant, reception space and hotel – has gathered citizens together for cultural events since its beginning. The exhibition will be open until August 2025. 



In the Kaupunkitarinoita Exhibition (fin. City Stories), 5-20 year-old students of Oulu Art School introduce themselves through their artworks. The students have explored the city and found stories that inspired their artworks. The basis of the works are, for example, the student’s personal lives, the present, the city’s history, built and natural environments as well as various people and characters.