City Hall Guided Tours

From Wednesday to Saturday of the opening week, you may participate in guided tours of the City Hall. The tours are arranged in Finnish and English. On different days, the tours have different themes. 

Wednesday October 9

  • Unboxing Oulu City Hall (tours in English)

Thursday October 10

  • From a Social Club into a Civil Agency - the different uses of the building (tours in Finnish)
  • Symphonies and Stories: a culture tour in the Oulu City Hall (tours in Finnish)

Friday October 11

  • Societal Changes in the History of the City Hall (tours in Finnish)
  • Symphonies and Stories: a culture tour in the Oulu City Hall (tours in Finnish)
  • Competence, excitement and odd occurences in Oulu (tours in Finnish)
  • Theater on the Block (tours in Finnish)

Saturday October 12

  • Competence, excitement and odd occurences in Oulu (tours in Finnish)
  • Art Treasure Stories (tours in Finnish) 
  • Boo! Are there Ghosts here? (tours in Finnish)