Day of the Youth Oct. 8

Young people get to explore the City Hall on Tuesday, October 8, and the Hall will be full of different activities. The Oulu region’s middle school children will tour different activity stations where they get to do crafts, take friendship photos, explore the contents of the European Capital of Culture year as well as talk with the City Hall staff and Oulu’s elected officials. In the evening, there will be free entry to the City Hall for young people when the Council Chamber turns into a movie theatre! 

Plaque reading "City Hall"

City Hall Tour

Different activity stations dot the City Hall where young people get to participate in the Youth Council’s election station, do crafts such as pins at the tinkering club, view the contents of the European Capital of Culture year and talk with City Hall employees! 

Meeting of the City Council, a gavel of the chairperson

Youth Council ONE Assembly

The Youth Council ONE strives to promote the rights of all citizens of Oulu and the well-being of Oulu’s students in the city’s decision-making. ONE holds its assembly in the second-floor banquet hall on the opening week’s Tuesday.  

Oulu International Children's and Youth Film Festival

Movie Night

On Tuesday evening, a movie theatre for Oulu’s young people will open in the City Hall! The movie night organized by the Oulu International Children's and Youth Film Festival is free of charge and open to all young people. The film festival is organized by the Oulu Film Centre.