City of the Children

On the City Hall opening week’s Saturday at 12.00–14.30 in the banquet hall, a panel discussion will be held on the topic of “the City of the Children”. A thinker once said that a city should be a place where a child can figure out what they want to be when they grow up. At the event, how this is realized in Oulu is discussed and how the city is developed utilizing the perspectives of children and elderly citizens. 

The event is implemented by the Oulu Liikekeskus ry’s Toivotun tulevaisuuden kaupunkikeskusta project together with the city of Oulu.  

Air picture of Oulu

Lasta liikuttava kaupunki (Fin. City which Moves Children)

The event is started by Doctoral Researched from the Aalto University Veera Moll with the topic Lasta liikuttava kaupunki: Lapsuuden tilat, leikki ja liikkuminen ennen ja nyt (Fin. City which moves children: Spaces, play and movement of childhood before and now). You may answer an advance survey and participate in the discussion using this form (in Finnish). 

Air picture of Oulu

Ikääntyviä liikuttava kaupunki (Fin. City which Moves the Elderly)

Another address will be heard from Assistant Professor from Tampere University and visiting Professor at the Aalto University Tiina Rinne on the topic of Ikääntyviä liikuttava kaupunki (Fin. City which moves the elderly). Location-based first-hand information as urban framework promoting wellbeing and quality of life.  

City Hall banquet hall

Discussion panel

After the addresses, the matter will be discussed at a panel with: 

  • Mirja Vehkaperä, City of Oulu’s City Board Spokesperson 

  • Suvi Jänkälä, City of Oulu & UNICEF & Child-Friendly City 

  • Eini Vasu and Hanna Kosunen, City of Oulu & Oulu City Centre Vision renewal 

  • Eelis Rankka, City of Oulu’s City Engineer 

  • Leena Vuotovesi, Oulu City Centre Shopkeeper Association