Equality & Non-Discrimination

People sitting on the lawn.

Equality and non-discrimination work in the city of Oulu

The City of Oulu promotes the equality and non-dicrimination of its residents and customers in all of its services and activities. 

The City of Oulu has approved the European Charter for Equality by the decision of the City Board in 2009. With its signature, the City of Oulu has publicly committed to promoting equality. The City of Oulu wants to increase the residents’ wellbeing by also promoting equality and non-discrimination.  

The Non-Discrimination Act, which transformed in 2015, requires municipalities to promote non-dicrimination in a goal-oriented way. The Act on Equality Between Men and Women requires that municipalities promote equality between sexes in a goal-oriented way in all of its activities. After 2015, the act’s purpose is also to prevent discrimination based on gender identity or gender expression. 

Most schools in Oulu have also created their individual plans for equality and non-discrimination. In schools, the plans have been designed through themes suitable for each grade.  

Equality and non-discrimination work is executed on all City of Oulu administrative branches, whose activities are guided by the Operational Plan for Equality and Non-Discrimination. 

Pride flags in front of the City Hall
Photographer: Sanna Krook

The Operational Plan for Equality and Non-Discrimination 2022-2026 concerning the services of the City Oulu 

The Operational Plan for Equality and Non-Dicrimination 2022-2026 concerning the services of the City Oulu has been approved at the City Board meeting on 13 June 2022 § 189 (in Finnish).  

The plan includes branch-specific objectives and measures in accordance to the Non-Discrimination Ombudsman’s guidelines. 

The City of Oulu Operational Plan for Equality and Non-Discrimination 2022-26 (in Finnish) 

Branch-specific Measure Charts 2022-2026 (in Finnish) 

The plan in English

The City of Oulu Operational Plan for Equality and Non-Discrimination 2022–2026


Different language versions of the introduction of the plan

Introduction in plain English

Previous plans and measure and objective charts

People dancing in the sea
Photographer: Sanna Krook