Fruits of Collaboration

Welcome to explore the fruits of the collaboration projects and activities of the upper secondary schools involved in the Aurora Entrepreneurialis project and to get ideas to support your own work!
How can I use the materials?
Click open the topic that interests you from the drop-down menu below. Inside, you can find information about the theme of the collaboration, content description, time resources and practical tips, for example. The material is also available for download as a pdf file. You can use the ideas as they are or choose the parts that suit your purpose. You can also find more information on the Tips for Collaboration page.
Some of the activities have been implemented as a broader collaboration between teaching staff and schools, others as projects between individual teachers and their teaching groups. Collaboration between schools that are far from the border has been done remotely, with the aid of digital tools, while collaboration between schools that are close to the border has been done through physical exchanges.
The example projects have been designed in collaboration meetings facilitated by Aurora Entrepreneurialis with those involved in implementing the projects.
You can view the Aurora Entrepreneurialis schools on the map.
Themes and contents of collaboration
CIRCULA Game (sustainability, circular economy, entrepreneurship education)
CIRCULA Game and how to use it education
Content / Goals
To introduce and make the Circula Game familiar to teaching staff, so that they can use the game in their own teaching.
Subjects and study units
The participating teachers assessed that the game can be used, for example, in the following vocational education study units:
- Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activities, 1 competence point
- Working in a business, 15 competence points
- Promotion of sustainable development, 1 competence point
The game can also be used as a tool for team building and as part of suitable upper secondary school courses. The game can be used in primary and lower secondary education, for example, on a project day or MOK (multidisciplinary learning modules) week.
Lappia Vocational College, Tornio campus: business teaching staff and an entrepreneurship expert
Tornedalsskolan, Haparanda: upper secondary school teachers
Tornion yhteislyseon lukio: upper secondary school teachers
A total of eight people participated in the training session.
Duration / time resources
4 hours
Materials required
Circula Game, game leader, space that fits multiple tables.
Form of implementation / platforms
Working face-to-face in small groups.
What we learned
Game-based working was a good way to get to know other teachers from different schools better. The activity was also judged to be suitable, for example, as part of an individual school's employee wellbeing day.
It was easy for the participating teachers to get to know the game itself as there was a skilled game leader present from the Aurora Entrepreneurialis project. The game leader guided the flow of the game with a power point presentation.
Circula Game
More information about the Circula Circular Economy and Entrepreneurship Game in Finnish, Swedish and English.

ICT and entrepreneurship education
Building a digital online shop
Content / Goals
An international collaborative project for students in a virtual environment based on a "shop creation competition". Each mixed group created their own version of the online shop. The working language was English.
Subjects and study units
Year as an Entrepreneur course in Business Administration program (Swedish upper secondary school)
ICT vocational upper secondary qualification (Finnish vocational institution)
Lappia Vocational College (Kemi): 1 teacher+ 8 students (1st year)
Strömbackaskolan (Piteå): 1 teacher + 17 students
Duration / time resources
6h for preparation, 4h for the creation competition itself (student collaboration)
Materials required
Computer, good internet connection, headset (VR glasses if possible)
Form of implementation / platforms
Rec Room Tool (online tool)
What we learned
ℹ The page is being updated, cooperation in the compilation phase

Virtual Shop Competition video
English (ENA3) and entrepreneurship education
Cultural appropriation and appropriate use of culture in business
Content / Goals
Collaborative activity about cultural appropriation and the appropriate use of culture in business. Through the activity, students gain an understanding of the concept of cultural appropriation, encounter examples of cultural appropriation and practice reflecting on how culture can be used in business in a sustainable way.
Subjects and study units
ENA3 English study unit (Finnish upper secondary school)
Year as an Entrepreneur (Junior Achievement) entrepreneurship course (Swedish upper secondary school)
Haukipudas Upper Secondary School (Oulu): 4 students / 1 teacher (ENA3)
Strömbackanskolan (Piteå): 4 students / 2 teacher (Year as an Entrepreneur)
Duration / time resources
60-75 minutes (+ 60 minutes of individual preparation for students)
Materials required
Laptop for each student, Miro account for the facilitor;
pre-assignment (article) and vocabulary
Form of implementation / platforms
- Microsoft Teams for online meeting
- Miro platform
View Miro -template

Swedish (RU15) and entrepreneurship education
Swedish in working life, entrepreneurship skills, working life skills
Content / Goals
Learning activity on entrepreneurial skills and work life. Through this activity, students learn what entrepreneurial competencies are (according to the CRITIC model developed by Mats Westerberg). During the activity, students evaluate their own skills within this framework and plan which skills they want to develop in the future and how.
Learning objectives:
- Participants understand what entrepreneurial competencies are (according to the CRITIC model developed by Mats Westerberg)
- Participants can reflect on their own entrepreneurial competencies
- Participants' teamwork skills are improved
- Participants' Swedish language work-related vocabulary is enhanced within the themes of the learning activity
Subjects and study units
- RU15 Swedish study unit (Finnish upper secondary school)
- Year as an Entrepreneur (Junior Achievement) entrepreneurship course (Swedish upper secondary school)
Strömbackaskolan Piteå: 3 students / 1 teacher (JA-Year entrepreneurship course teacher)
Haukipudas Upper Secondary School: 3 students / 1 teacher (RU15 Swedish language teacher)
Total participants: 8
Duration / time resources
60-75 minutes (+ an independent pre-task about 60 minutes)
Materials required
- Laptop for each participant
- Miro account for the facilitator
- Microsoft account and Microsoft Teams for the facilitator
- A classroom or smaller meeting rooms
Form of implementation / platforms
- Microsoft Teams for online meetings
- Miro for facilitating collaboration
View Miro board template
Entrepreneurial Competencies by Mats Westerberg (in Swedish with subtitles in Finnish, Swedish or English)
We will update the page throughout the project period - the materials published in the winter of 2024 will be edited during the spring term and new content will be added as school collaborations are implemented. Please come and explore the materials again!