STEAM Pedagogy and ToolCamp Method in Entrepreneurship Education

Maikki Manninen and Paula Vorne work on the development of STEAM pedagogy regionally and nationally.
They have brought the Danish Toolcamp working model to the north. In the video podcast, Maikki and Paula discuss the connection between STEAM pedagogy and entrepreneurship education, the backgrounds of STEAM and discuss the Toolcamp model.
The materials are free to use in teaching and independent studying.
The lecture material can be found in the drop down menu below.
Register for the seminar on 25.4.2024 klo 9:15-10:15 (EET). The seminar is in English.
Registration for the seminar has ended! Many thanks to the participants.
There is no recording available of the seminar. All the materials are free to use for teaching and councelling purposes.
NOTE! Due to the overlap of the seminar with the OuLukiopäivät event, a separate seminar is organised for the staff of upper secondary, lower secondary and primary schools in Oulu on 6.5.2024 at 14:30-15:30 (EET). Schools will be notified of the seminar by email. The seminar is in Finnish.
Materials for education and teaching
Videopodcast by Maikki Manninen and Paula Vorne: Steam pedagogy and Toolcamp method
Pre-assignment for the seminar on 25.4.2024
The pre-assignment gives you the opportunity to revise the course content. You can also to ask questions to the experts.