Courses & Training

Teaching staff are listening to the lecturer.

Join our training courses or use our materials in your work!

During 2023-2025, we will implement a training package that includes 12 parts. Welcome to explore the contents and participate in our webinars.

Contents of the training sessions and seminar schedule

School year 2023-2024

School year 2024-2025

Autumn term 2025

Each theme includes an online expert video and/or podcast and an interactive seminar related to the topic. You can participate in all training parts and thematic seminars or choose the ones that interest you the most.

The contents are targeted especially at people working in the field of teaching. However, everyone interested in entrepreneurship education is welcome to join.

Expert talks care available with Finnish, English and Swedish subtitles. The seminars are conducted on the Teams platform and the language of discussion is English. Seminars are not recorded.

Training materials are free to use also as teaching material.

How can I join the seminars?


By registering to the course you will receive all links and materials directly to your email. You can choose which seminars to attend.

Register here

Watch the video or podcast

We publish expert videos and podcasts on the Training Materials page. Familiarize yourself with the material before the online seminar. We use a flipped-classroom style of learning, so it is important to familiarize yourself with the materials before the seminar.
(Duration: 20-30min)

Do the pre-assignment

To support your learning, there is a pre-assignment related to each video or podcast that will help you prepare for the online seminar. Pre-assignments are published on the Training Materials page by theme.
Add your name and email address to your pre-assignment if you want to receive a participation certificate.
(Duration: 10-30 min)

Participate in the online seminar

In the online seminar we dive deeper into the topic of the video lecture/podcast through reflection and discussion exercises together with the expert and other participants. The goal of is to find ways to apply the topics in practice.
The seminars are organised in English. You will receive the invite link in your email. 
(Duration: 60 min)