Sustainable Entrepreneurship from an Educational Perspective

Ulrika Persson-Fischier is a researcher and teacher at Uppsala University.
In her lecture, she introduces how to discuss entrepreneurship education from the perspective of sustainable development. She shows similarities between teaching sustainability and entrepreneurship and discusses how to find solutions to global challenges using entrepreneurial skills.
The materials are free to use in teaching and independent studying.
Register for the seminar organised on 24.1.2024 at 14:30-15:30 (EET).
Registration for the seminar has ended! Many thanks to the participants.
There is no recording available of the seminar.
Materials for education and teaching
Video lecture - Finnish subtitles and slides
Ulrika Persson-Fischier is a researcher and teacher in Uppsala University. She is interested in how entrepreneurial skills can help find solutions to difficult sustainability issues.
Video lecture - Swedish subtitles and slides
Ulrika Persson-Fischier is a researcher and teacher in Uppsala University. She is interested in how entrepreneurial skills can help find solutions to difficult sustainability issues.
Video lecture - English subtitles and slides
Ulrika Persson-Fischier is a researcher and teacher in Uppsala University. She is interested in how entrepreneurial skills can help find solutions to difficult sustainability issues.
Pre-assignment for the seminar on 24.1.2024
The pre-assignment gives you the opportunity to revise the course content. You can also to ask questions to the expert.
Ideas and thoughts from the seminar participants
Answers to the question "How could you include these themes in the everyday school life and what can you do within your own teaching?"
Utilizing Year as an Entrepreneur course in the school | Visiting or other ways of getting to know companies and/or projects that promote sustainability | Business collaboration - practicing solving companies' real problems as part of subject teaching in collaboration with the companies |
Subject-specific work: Math - Calculating productivity, for example | Subject-specific work: Finnish/Swedish - discussing texts related to the theme in the native language | Subject-specific work: Foreign language - discussing texts related to the theme in the language being taught (combine with media education and critical literacy) |
"Possibility mapping" : Practicing thinking about what I already have and what I can do with it. | Co-teaching - support from a teacher familiar with sustainability or business education for a subject teacher | Action-based learning and learning by doing, for example, using the Toolcamp method |
Bilateral collaboration (Swedish and Finnish school) and considering terms and concepts - do we understand the terminology related to sustainability and entrepreneurship education in the same way | Subject-specific work: History/Social Studies - examining, for example, companies' sustainability thinking before, now and in the future | In the subject being taught, change the approach so that you look at the matter through the lens of sustainability and wicked problems. |