Foreign Language Studies

Languages (and abbreviations) studied in comprehensive school

  • A1 language is the first foreign language pupils begin to study in grade 1 and continue to study until completing their basic education in ninth grade.
  • A2 language is the first elective foreign language pupils can begin to study in grade 4 and continue to study until completing their basic education in ninth grade.
  • B1 language studies begin in grade 6 and continue until the end of grade 9. The B1 language is usually Swedish unless a pupil has begun studying Swedish as their A1 or A2 language.
  • B2 language is an elective foreign language that pupils can begin to study in grade 8. B2 language can for example be Spanish, French, German, Russian, Italian or some other language.

Different language studies

First foreign language - A1 language

Elective foreign language - A2 language

Second domestic language - B1 language

Elective foreign language - B2 language

Information for guardians of preschool pupils