Exercise for Working-Aged People

Our goal is to encourage working-aged (18–74 years old) citizens of Oulu to exercise independently and to participate in guided, low-threshold exercise groups.
Read the exercise recommendations for adults on the UKK Institute’s website. The recommendation encourages people to move one step at a time. Research shows that even light exercise has health benefits, especially for people who do not exercise much. Light exercise can decrease blood sugar and fat content. Additionally, it stimulates blood flow and relaxes muscles and joints. Exercise and punctuating sitting still should be done every day – the more often, the better.

Find a suitable exercise group in the boxes below. If you are uncertain whether the group is suitable or not, you may inquire more using the contact information listed with the group.
Spring January 7 – May 18 (except week 10)
Guided groups
Fitness gym
Kuntosalistartti Group
The group gathers four times and is meant for beginners with health challenges or challenges in starting exercising. An instructor is present to guide your exercise and teach you how to use equipment.
Small group gym guidance during public exercise periods
Gym exercise guidance in small groups. The group gathers three times.
Exercise periods in the Vorelli Sports Centre (Tulisijantie 4, Yli-Ii)
The exercise periods are self-directed.
Kuntopiiri Fitness club
One hour exercise sessions include warm-ups, rotating exercises with gym equipment and wind-down.
See more detailed information and register on the Sport Services online service
Fitness gym guidance during public exercise periods
Guidance during public exercise periods
An instructor is present to teach you to use gym equipment. No need to register beforehand.
Single payment, serial ticket, Päiväliikkuja Card or Senior Card
Tue 9.00–10.00, Raatti Swimming Pool (Raatintie 2, Oulu)
Inquiries tel. 044 703 8152 or 044 703 8046Wed 8.30–9.30 Jatuli (Jokelantie 20, Haukipudas)
Inquiries tel. 040 514 5028Wed 9.00–10.00 Linnanmaa Sports Centre (Virkakuja 1, Oulu)
Inquiries tel. 040 487 5964Thu 13.00–14.00 (starting from March 20, 2025) Linnanmaa Sports Centre (Virkakuja 1, Oulu)
Inquiries tel. 040 487 5964Thu 14.30–15.30 Jatuli (Jokelantie 20, Haukipudas)
Inquiries tel. 040 514 5028Fri 9.00–10.00 Oulu Hall B building (Ouluhallintie 20, Oulu)
Inquiries tel. 044 703 8062Vorelli Sports Centre (Tulisijantie 4, Yli-Ii)
Inquiries tel. 050 369 2076Oulunsalo Sports Centre (Tuohikuja 6, Oulunsalo)
Inquiries tel. 040 529 0087
Body maintenance
Asahi health exercise
A type of body maintaining exercise performed either seated or standing in rhythm with your breathing. It is suitable for everyone, comfortable, easy and it enhances mobility.
FasciaMethod is mobility and movement control exercise that aims to promote the locomotor system’s health. The method utilizes dynamic chain mobility exercises, precision stretches, movement control exercises and myofascial treatment with a fascia ball. The exercises are pleasant and simple. The exercises are done in different positions, such as on your feet, on all fours, on your back and on your side.
FasciaMethod Core
Comprehensive body maintenance. Core sessions include thoracic spine maintenance, upper abdomen control, shoulder support, lower abdomen control, as well as back and hip maintenance. These parts of the body are targeted with supporting muscle and control exercises. The FasciaMethod’s dynamic mobility exercises are also done during the session. The exercises are done in different positions, such as on your feet, on all fours, on your back and on your side.
Body maintenance
A relaxed session during which the body is managed, joint and muscle mobility is trained, spine wellbeing is promoted, and the core’s deep muscles are activated gently. The exercises are done in different positions, such as on your feet, sitting, on all fours, on your side and on your stomach.
Pilates strengthens core muscles, deepens breathing and maintains mobility and the body. Exercising also has a positive effect on, for example, stamina and posture. The exercises are done in different positions, such as seated, on all fours, on your side, on your feet, on your back and on your stomach.
Some groups are meant for beginners and some for experienced exercisers.
Back wellbeing
The session strengthens your back, hips and the neck-shoulder area utilizing yoga and Pilates techniques. Mobility, strength and maintenance exercises are done on your feet and on the floor.
See more detailed information and register on the Sport Services online service
Weight management
Seek motivation for a healthier life from our weight management groups.
Kauniit ja komiat weight management group
The group is meant for working-aged people with a recent diagnosis or risk of diabetes type 2. If your BMI is 25–35 or believe you need lifestyle changes, the group is also for you.
Fill in the diabetes type 2 risk test and calculate your BMI from the links below.
We exercise together and try out different sports based on group wishes for twelve weeks. If you wish, you may participate in body composition measurements at the start and end of the course. During the course, you will receive an application that supports lifestyle changes free of charge.
Exercise to support weight management
The group is meant for people who need exercise to support their weight management. Fitness gym training on Tuesdays and sport trials on Thursdays.
See more detailed information and register on the Sport Services online service
Sport Advice and wellbeing coaching
You may utilize our free of charge individual Sport Advice services or wellbeing coaching.
Sport Advice is professional, free of charge guidance towards a health-promoting lifestyle. Sport Advice offers tips for exercise and lifestyle, such as nutrition and sleep quality.
See more detailed information here.
Omaolo online coaching
Are you familiar with the self-directed Omaolo wellbeing coaching? (omaolo.fi)
The Omaolo service allows you to select suitable online wellbeing coaching. There are, among others, weight management, exercise, nutrition and sleep coaching. The coaching allows you to set goals and follow your progress.
Free of charge Omaverkkopuntari is an online programme that supports lifestyle changes. The programme is offered in Finnish and Swedish. The programme’s primary themes are nutrition, exercise, resources and rest. The coaching allows you to set goals and follow your progress.
Read more on the Omaverkkopuntari website (verkkopuntari.fi) (in Finnish)
The Omaverkkopuntari programme is maintained by Satakunnan sydänpiiri ry. It maintains the programme with the funding of the Funding Centre for Social Welfare and Health Organizations STEA.
Ball games and fitness training
Diverse and somewhat harsh session. You can manage the exercise burden with the weight of the kettlebell. Kettlebell exercises increase stamina and muscular strength. Guided exercise for 30 min and stretching for 15 min.
Fitness workout
Easy workout session with varying programme and equipment. The session is directed at people of all ages and is suitable for beginners. The sessions include warm-up, muscle care training and wind-down. Bring your own exercise mat.
Fitness boxing
The session is suitable for beginners. Hit the punching bag with instruction, accompanied by good music. The session is quite harsh. Equipment can be borrowed at location.
Walking football
The walking football group is suitable for everyone regardless of gender, age, physical fitness or size. The ball must not rise above shoulder height and there is no tackling. Bring exercise shoes, no other equipment is needed. The session includes guided warm-up exercises.
Free of charge.
Lavis dance workout
Lavis dance workouts are fun and sweaty sport sessions based on the combination of dance steps and workout. Lavis is danced alone, so there is no fear of crushed toes. The sessions include familiar dances, such as humppa, schottische, waltz, tango, rock/jive, cha cha and samba. Lavis is so fun that you do not even realize you're exercising, and you will leave the sessions sweaty. The sessions are suitable for beginners. Everyone will find their moments to shine during the sessions and everyone moves with their own style and intensity.
See more detailed information and register on the Sport Services online service
Water exercise
- Adult swimming schools
- Public water gymnastics
Water running guidance
The 30-minute guidance teaches water running techniques. Water running enhances basic fitness, i.e. the capacity of your respiratory and circulatory systems. It also supports weight management. Water running is suitable for everyone. Gentle on the joints and suitable as restorative exercise.See more detailed information and register on the Sport Services online service