Exercise Groups for Young People
Action exercise includes various types of free-of-charge guided exercise organized in different parts of the city for young people aged 13–19. An instructor or supervisor will be present and the equipment will be provided for you. A supervisor will rotate around in some places in place of an instructor. Signing up in advance is not required, excluding padel classes.
Please note that you have to arrive no later than 30 minutes before the end of the class. For example, for a swimming class from 14.00 to 16.00, you are allowed to come in until 15.30.
Please check our announcements from below.
Action weekly programme
- 15.00–17.00 Swimming Jatuli*
- 15.00–16.00 Ball games Jatuli
- 15.00–16.00 Gym Yli-II (lower age limit 15v)
- 17.00–18.00 Bowling Alppila (30 people max)*
- 17.00–18.00 Table tennis Rajakylä Ratamotie*
- 19.00–21.00 Skateboarding Hiukkavaara Indoor Skatepark
- 15.00–17.00 Swimming Jatuli*
- 15.00–17.00 Gym Jatuli*
- 16.00–17.00 Fitness kickboxing Kurkelankuja 2
- 16.00–17.30 Padel Nallisport (sign up here)
- 17.15–18.00 Aquatraining Raatti Swimming Pool
- 06.30–7.00 Water gymnastics Oulu Swimming Pool
- 14.30–16.00 Gym Oulu Swimming pool (ohjaaja välillä paikalla)
- 15.00–17.00 Swimming Oulu Swimming Pool*
- 15.15–16.00 Climbing Jatuli Sport Center
- 17.00–18.00 Bowling Heinäpää (30 people max)*
- 17.00–18.00 Floorball/futsal Kiiminkipuisto Comprehensive School
- 17.30–19.00 Padel Padelkeskus (sign up here)
- 19.00-20.00 Table tennis Rajakylä Ratamotie*
- 15.00-16.00 Ice skating Linnanmaa Indoor Ice Stadium (helmet required)
- 15.00–17.00 Gym Jatuli
- 16.30-17.30 Climbing Oulu Climbing Center, age limit 15–19 years, (25 people max)
- 16.00–17.00 Table tennis Jatuli*
- 16.00-17.00 Gym Kimmoke Sports Center
- 16.15-17.00 Aquatraining Oulu Swimming Pool
- 19.00–20.00 Reenis gym Toppila, age limit 15-19v, (25 people max)
- 15.00-17.00 Swimming Raatti*
- 15.00-17.00 Swimming Jatuli*
- 16.00-17.30 Floorball boys Yli-Ii Vorelli
- 17.30-18.30 Floorball girls Yli-Ii Vorelli
- 19.00-20.00 Climbing Oulu Climbing Center, age limit 15–19 years, (25 people max)
- 20.00-21.30 Floorball Kello Comprehensive School
- 9.00–14.00 Swimming Raatti*
- 9.00 -11.00 Swimming Jatuli*
- 10.30 -12.00 Padel Padelkeskus (sign up here)
- 11.00 -12.00 Combat sports KBT , Kurkelankuja 2
- 12.30-13.30 Bowling Heinäpää (max 30 henk)
- 15.00-16.00 Crossfit Crossfit Alasintie, Oulu. If you are 13-15 years old and doing crossfit actively, you can join, otherwise the age limit for beginners and people trying out the sport is 15-19 years
- 19.00-21.00 Skateboarding Ouluhalli
- 19.00-21.00 Gymnastics Ouluhalli
* Suitable also for people with disabilities
Announcements and important considerations
We have added new Action classes due to popularity. There are now new climbing, bowling and crossfit classes. Check the calendar and join us!
Sign up for these classes in advance! There is room for the fastest 16-20 people to sign up. The sign-up starts on Monday morning of the same week at 7 a.m. You can sing up 2 people at the same time.
- Tue 16.00-17.00 Padel Nallisport.
Sign up online, click here to sign up. - Wed 17.30–19.00 PADEL Padelkeskus Sign up online, click here to sign up. (from 17th of January)
- Sat 10.30–12.00 PADEL Padelkeskus Sign up online, click here to sign up.
- Ice skating at Linnanmaa indoor ice stadium, a helmet is required. Half of the rink will be reserved for low-threshold ice hockey and the other half for free skating.
- Skateboarding at Ouluhalli begins
- Skateboarding at Hiukkavaara begins
- Crossfit If you are 13-15 years old and doing crossfit actively, you can join, otherwise the age limit for beginners and people trying out the sport is 15-19 years.
- Certain classes are suitable also for people with disabilities, however, unfortunately in many places the shower/toilet facilities are not accessible.
- If you need an assistant to accompany you to classes, please contact tapani.tuomikoski@ouka.fi regarding assistant cards
Radanvarsi 15
www.padelkeskus.fi (in Finnish)
Kimmoke Sports Center
Viitantie 23, Kiiminki
www.kiimu.fi (in Finnish)
Kurkelankuja 2 Oulu
Alvar Aallon katu 1
Oulu Climbing Center
Paakakatu 7
Oulun keilahalli
Isokatu 97
www.oulunkeilahalli.fi (in Finnish)
Nallisport Oulu
Vellamontie 9
Alppila Bowling
Tukkimiehentie 1
www.alppilabowling.fi (in Finnish)
Crossfit Oulu
Alasintie 3–7
www.crossfitoulu.com (in Finnish)
Exercise, nutrition and motivation counseling for young people
Exercise counseling is also organized for young people.
Young people can talk about topics like exercise, nutrition, training, motivation and goals. You can also ask for tips on exercise programs.
Feel free to contact Tommi, tel. 044 7038047, email: tommi.laine(at)ouka.fi
Action exercise
- Tommi Laine tel. 044 703 8047
- Email: tommi.laine@ouka.fi