Way to School and School Transportation

Summary of the principles of school transportation

  • A pupil's way to school is compensated when the way to the local school is over 5 kilometers or if the way to school is dangerous according to the Koululiitu method. A guardian does not have to make a school transportation application, but the principal of the school will make a decision on school transportation benefit automatically.
  • The way to school means the travel from the pupil's permanent home address registered in the Finnish Population Information System to school. A transportation benefit is only admitted to the address registered in the Finnish Population Information System.
  • The way to school is calculated from the home gate to the school gate, along the shortest, pedestrian-friendly and publicly-accessed road. 
  • School transportation is primarily organized by utilizing public transport and service transport, and only secondarily by arranging separate bus or taxi transport. Transportation is not necessarily provided for the entire way to school. This means that part of the way to school might consist of independent travel by the pupil.
  • A way to school of more than 5 kilometres to a school other than the local school will also be compensated when the pupil studies such a language as their A1 language that is taught in another school than their local school.
  • A way to school can also be compensated due to, for example, the way to school being dangerous or due to factors related to the child's health. The guardian must apply for discretionary transport benefit with a separate application each school year. 

The way to school is not reimbursed

  • When a pupil, at the request of a guardian, receives a school place in a school other than their local school (so-called secondary school), the pupil studies in a special emphasis class or at Oulu International School. Pupils of special emphasis classes and OIS can, however, be annually admitted a Waltti card on the basis of the income of the adults in their household, if a way to a school is more than 5 kilometres.
  • When the pupil changes their municipality of residence in the middle of comprehensive school but continues their studies at a City of Oulu comprehensive school.

More information is provided by principals of schools.

Below are described the City of Oulu's principles of school transportation (Education and Culture Committee 19 December 2023 § 153).

The City of Oulu School Transportation Principles

Free-of-charge school transportation without application

Applying for a discretionary school transport benefit

Accompanying benefit for guardians

Guide for traffic safety and rules regarding the way to school

The City of Oulu's principles and practices concerning school transportation and matters related to traffic safety and education on way to school are presented in the guide called Koulumatkojen pelisäännöt ja liikenneturvallisuus (attached below in Finnish). Frequently asked questions and their responses are presented at the end of the guide. 

With good collaboration between the schools, transporters and pupils' guardians we can promote the children's safety and good transportation experiences on the way to preschool and school.