
The City of Oulu School Admissions Principles

The City of Oulu Educational and Cultural Services has confirmed the following principles concerning comprehensive school admissions (17.12.2024 §102).

Local school

Local school means the school that is located in the pupil's educational region, close to the pupil's home address. The regional manager of the educational region assigns a pupil their local school. A local school is not always the geographically closest school.

Local school is assigned by the pupil's official address registered in The Finnish Population Information System. The admissions of pupils who live on the borders of the regions are annually re-evaluated. A pupil can be admitted to a different region school as well. 

Home municipality

The City of Oulu comprehensive schools admit pupils whose home municipality is Oulu. Complementary Sami language teaching and Oulu International School can admit pupils from other cities by an agreement between the cities. Special subject emphasis classes admit pupils whose home municipality is Oulu.


Regional principals place pupils to schools with the leadership of regional managers following the principles confirmed by the Educational and Cultural Services. 

Admissions are made to grades 1-6 and 7-9. The principals of Oulu University Teacher Training School participate in assigning schools for central and northern region pupils. 

Oulu University Teacher Training School implements in its admissions the transition provision in the Basic Education Act (POL 54 §) concerning training schools and schools that correspond comprehensive school.

The regional manager makes the local school admission decision. The decision must include reasoning and appeal instructions based on the Basic Education Act 42 §.

Assigning a local school

A pupil is assigned a place in their local school. The child's local school is one of the comprehensive schools close to their home address in their region. The school principal decides whether the pupil is located to the main school or to a separate school unit.

The local school is assigned so that school trips are as safe and short as possible, and that pupils are spread into regional schools and groups in a balanced way. The specific circumstances of schools and groups are considered when assigning pupils, such as school facilities, resources, group sizes and compositions. The education provider can deviated from these principles for a justified reason.

Students are assigned a local school according to the following principles:

The sibling principle

  • The pupil is assigned the same local school where their siblings living in the same home address study in.
  • The sibling principle concerns siblings studying in comprehensive school grades 1-6.
  • The sibling principle is not enforced if the sibling studies in Oulu International School, in a special subject emphasis class, in an out-of-catchment school or has been relocated to another school by a special support decision.

Health condition or other notable reason
The guardian must provide an expert opinion on the child's health condition or other notable reason before the decision on the child's local school has been made.

A-level language
Pupils continue to study their chosen A-level language (A1, A2) in grade 7. The pupil is assigned a local school where studying the selected language is possible. Studying can continue in the pupil's local school, some other school in the region or in another region's school. Principals are in charge of organizing A-level language studies in their schools.

Applying for an out-of-catchment school

A guardian can also apply for a place in a school other than the child's local school. If a pupil is admitted to an out-of-catchment school, the guardian is responsible for covering the expenses of possible school transportation.

If pupils are admitted to an out-of-catchment school, secondary admissions must not increase the pupil amount in the classroom to more than 20 pupils. In situations where there are more applicants than there are secondary school places, health-related reasons will be prioritized.

Special subject emphasis classes

Pupils are admitted to special subject emphasis classes (art, music, sports) based on their applications and an entrance exam. The pupils' home municipality must be Oulu. Admissions are made by regional managers accordingly to the principals confirmed by the Educational and Cultural Services. Admissions to special subject emphasis classes are executed according to the principals confirmed by the Educational and Cultural Services. The guardian is responsible for covering the expenses of possible student transportation.

Oulu International School

Oulu International School operates grades 1-9. International school is aimed for children who have sufficient language skills to study in English. Pupils are admitted based on their application and an entrance exam. Admitting pupils from other cities requires an agreement between the cities.

Admission to special schools

The city special schools admit pupils from all city regions. A separate process is is followed in applying for special schools. 

Admission to preparatory education

A pupil with immigrant background, who does not have sufficient Finnish skills to study in general teaching, starts their basic education journey by participating in preparatory education. Both recently immigrated children and children and young people born in Finland are welcome to participate in preparatory education. 

Preparatory education for immigrants admits pupils from all city regions. Valo education is organized in groups in separately defined schools. Valo education is also organized inclusively in comprehensive education groups in the pupil's local school.

When a pupil transfers from preparatory education to basic education, a local school is assigned to the pupil based on their home address. A guardian can also apply for a school place in another school as well, exactly as for preparatory education. When a pupil receives a school place in a secondary school, the guardian is responsible for the cost of transport.

Moving inside the city midyear

If a child moves to another address inside the city in the middle of the school year, they may continue to study in their old school until they have finished sixth or ninth grade. The guardian is responsible for covering the expenses of school transportation.

Moving to another city midyear

If a child moves to another city in the middle of the school year, they may continue to study in the City of Oulu comprehensive school till the end of the school year. The guardian is responsible for covering the expenses of school transportation.