Student Welfare

Student welfare is action that promotes a student's/pupil's learning, psychological and physical health and social well-being. It is executed as communal student welfare on the entire school's level and as individual support that concerns an individual pupil's matters. 

Communal student welfare belongs to everyone

Student welfare belongs to everyone working in school, the teaching, guiding and student welfare personnel and other operators in the school.

Communal student welfare means a school's organizational culture that promotes learning, well-being, health, social responsibility, interaction and participation, as well as the health, safety and accessibility of the school environment. 

Every school has a student welfare group that meets regularly and consists of the principal, school nurse and/or doctor, special education teacher, social worker and/or psychologist and, if necessary, other operators. The group's prior responsibility is to maintain the institution community's well-being and to prevent problems.

Communal student welfare is also conducted in collaboration with other operators in the area, for example with the Youth Services, associations and the parish. The school's student welfare group is in charge of planning student welfare and coordinating, developing and assessing its activities in collaboration with the staff, pupils and guardians.

Individual student welfare concerns one pupil

Individual student welfare means working on an individual student's matters.

In order to support an individual pupil it is possible to establish a multisectoral expert group. The group is established case-by-case by the consent and with the guardian and the pupil.

Schools have a school nurse, doctor, psychologist and social worker. These services are organized by the wellbeing services county of North Ostrobothnia.

Student welfare work complies with the enactments concerning occupational groups' activities, accessing information and non-disclosure and disclosure of information. 

You can find information on each school's student welfare on the schools' individual websites. View the individual comprehensive school websites by clicking this link.

Student Welfare Services in Preschool and Comprehensive Education

Video: Student welfare services in preschool and comprehensive education