
Oulu has over 20 public beaches in different parts of the city. A winter swimming spot is located in Tuira.
Beaches by Region
Asemakylä, Laituriranta
Inkonnokka, Inkonnokantie
Kiviniemi, Kiviniementie
Meriniemi, Hedmanssonintie 10
Niemeläntörmä, Lossitie
Jäälin monttu, Takumaantie 62
Jäälimaja Beach, Rantakuja 10
Sports Centre Beach, Kisakuja 5
Oulu, south of the Oulujoki River
Konttisenkangas Beach, Konttisentie 51
Oulunlahti Beach, Villentie
Oulunsuu Beach, Emännänpolku
Värttö Beach, Kasarmintie 53
Lämsäjärvi Beach, Hiihtomaantie
Oulu, north of the Oulujoki River
Kuivasjärvi Beach, Alangontie 13
Myllyoja Beach, Pääskytie 38
Nallikari Beach, Nallikarinranta *
Pateniemi Beach, Valkamantie
Pyykösjärvi Beach, Kivennuoliainen
Rajahauta Beach, Rajahaudantie
Saarela Beach, Nissiläntie
Tuira Beach, Koskitie 58
Valkiasjärvi Beach, Valkiaisjärventie 440 **
Papinjärvi Beach, Papinjärventie
Varjakka Beach
- Ahvenniementie
- Kirkkosuvanto, Kirkkoranta
* Nallikari Seaside Oy is responsible for the upkeep and control of the Nallikari Beach, tel. 044 703 1353
** Oulu Triathlon & Cycling ry arranges a swimming lane near the Valkiasjärvi Beach with two buoys. The distance between the buoys is 250 metres and the whole track is 750 metres long. The club hosts general practice sessions on Tuesday evenings starting at 18.00. People interested in the activities are welcome to join the sessions. The lane is free to use for all swimmers until the club removes the buoys in late summer when the water gets cold.
Beaches with EU status: Nallikari Beach, Lämsäjärvi Beach, Valkiaisjärvi Beach, Tuira Beach, Jäälin monttu and Papinjärvi Beach.
Beach Upkeep
Nallikari Beach
Nallikari Seaside Oy
tel. 044 703 1350
Oulun Infra Public Utility
tel. 050 461 7504
tel. 0400 521 893
Jani Yli-Anttila
tel. 050 430 4993
Olli-Pekka Paavola Oy
tel. 045 605 6779
Kirkkosuvanto Beach
Oulu Region 4H Organization,
Ylikiiminki Unit
tel. 040 535 2058
Oulun Infra Public Utility
tel. 0400 260 719
tel. 050 461 7504
Other beaches
Oulun Infra Public Utility
tel. 044 703 2626
tel. 044 703 8119
Beach Administration and Management
City of Oulu Sport Services, managers:
Petri Yli-Pyky tel. 044 703 8194
Jarmo Savukoski tel. 044 703 8184
Outi-Maria Kauppi tel. 044 703 2180
(Mon–Fri 8.00–16.00)
City of Oulu Feedback Service