Oulu offers a large amount of free-to-use exercise and leisure activity possibilities for independent exercisers. Some popular activities include fitness tracks, beaches, and ball game fields in the summers, and ski tracks, ice rinks, and ice swimming in the winters.
There are dozens of sport centres and fields around the city. The fitness and ski track network is wide. There are multiple ice rinks; some of them free-to-use, and some need to be booked. There are official city-managed beaches and a lot of other exercise places for a multitude of sports.
Oulu is known for its cyclists. There are 900 kilometers of cycle lanes in Oulu, that is 4 metres per citizen. For lovers of nature, there are nature paths, rest areas, fishing spots, and excellent boating possibilities. Oulu is currently constructing a cross-country network for cross-country cyclists, hikers, and trail runners.