In the photo, from the left Timo Furuholm, Susanna Sivonen, Jussi Tomberg, Paula Vorne, Matti Ahola, Ville Lähde and Sari Harmoinen. In the front Viki Kaijanen and Siiri Sundqvist.
In the photo, from the left Timo Furuholm, Susanna Sivonen, Jussi Tomberg, Paula Vorne, Matti Ahola, Ville Lähde and Sari Harmoinen. In the front Viki Kaijanen and Siiri Sundqvist.

The city of Oulu challenges us to fix the planet ourselves – building sustainable future together


The city of Oulu participated in Finland’s largest societal festival SuomiAreena in Pori on June 25–28, 2024. The themes of the event were STEAM pedagogy and the Sustainable Future’s Learning Flow. Oulu was especially present on a panel discussion on June 27, in which green transition, energy, education and circular economy were discussed. 

Let’s fix the Earth ourselves 

In the city of Oulu’s panel “Let’s fix the Earth ourselves”, the cooperation required to create a sustainable future was highlighted. The role of schools is raising eco-socially civilized individuals who work within the limits of one planet. A sustainable future is born with cooperation, trials and excitement. Agency brings hope and action. Sustainable future and STEAM pedagogy walk hand in hand. 

Participating in the panel were the Member of Parliament Timo Furuholm, Principal Matti Ahola and Quality and STEAM Coordinator Paula Vorne from the city of Oulu. The University of Oulu’s Senior Lecturer Sari Harmoinen and Researcher Ville Lähde from the BIOS Research Institute participated as well. The panel was hosted by Development Teacher Jussi Tomberg and students of the Kaakkuri School Viki Kaijanen and Siiri Sundqvist. Artist Susanna Sivonen interpreted the discussion into a work of art. 

Communality, participation and cooperation were highlighted in the discussion: 

“We must bring back communality which is running away. We have lost the meaning of communality. Communality is learning to listen to others and to discuss matters without fervor. We need civility of the heart”, stated Paula Vorne. Timo Furuholm agreed: “We need fair discussion. The role of the politicians is changing the discussion atmosphere. That will reinforce democracy as well.” 

Matti Ahola stated: “Even though the world is open, we live in our own bubbles more than ever. We need more cooperation and shared learning.” Sari Harmoinen added: “STEAM makes the participation of different learners possible. Everyone gets to participate with different methods.” 

Sustainability was discussed on many different levels: 

Ville Lähde highlighted: “We need to learn to be more radically loyal towards the people of the world, especially those who are hungrier, poorer and unsafe. There will be no sustainability if this situation between the people doing better and worse is not fixed. 

The entire discussion can be watched on MTV Katsomo. 

Oulu’s personnel at the Citizen Fair. From the left Sanna Mäkelä, Riina Aikio, Paula Vorne, Ville Saviluoto and Susanna Sivonen.
Oulu’s personnel at the Citizen Fair. From the left Sanna Mäkelä, Riina Aikio, Paula Vorne, Ville Saviluoto and Susanna Sivonen.

Oulu's tent at the Citizen Fair

There were discussions on STEAM pedagogy and the Sustainable Future’s Learning Flow at Oulu’s tent at the Citizen Fair in the Pori Market Square. The FabPatch clothing patch studio and the design competition gathered attention. Oulu’s events and tourism attractions as well as Oulu’s European Capital of Culture year 2026 were presented at the tent.  



Paula Vorne, STEAM Coordinator, City of Oulu, tel. 040 573 9503 

Jussi Tomberg, Development Teacher, City of Oulu, tel 044 703 9186 

Riina Aikio, Head of Marketing, City of Oulu, tel. 040 419 6605 

A Higher Degree of Sustainability – City of Oulu ( (in Finnish) 

The panel discussion can be viewed on MTV Katsomo: Let’s fix the Earth ourselves! ( (in Finnish)