Aada Kalliosalo held a speech for the Oulu City Board during the Plan International event – read the speech here
17-year-old Aada Kalliosalo took over Oulu’s Mayor Ari Alatossava’s seat for a day during the Plan International event. Plan International’s Girls Takeover Campaign highlights current questions about equality.
Aada Kalliosalo’s day included a meeting and discussion at the Art Museum and the Tiima construction site with Director of Culture Sami Ylisaari and the Director of the Museum and Science Centre Luuppi Pekka Olsbo. She also met with the City Board’s Chairperson Mirja Vehkaperä and discussed economics with the Director of Economics and Financing Marja Kariniemi. She also discussed equality and non-discrimination with Head Specialist Merja Niemelä. By the end to of the day, Aada Kalliosalo held a speech for the City Board.
Read her full speech to the City Board below, translated into English:
Speech for the City Board, March 17, 2025
Aada Kalliosalo
Honored City Board and all listeners,
Today, as Mayor, I wish to speak about an important and current matter that concerns us all – equality.
I am currently studying to become a practical nurse. During my studies, I have observed that women have a clear majority in the care industry. I can see this in my class, which includes only one man, and in internships where most of my team have been women. Many people consider the care industry as a women’s industry, perhaps since nursing, care and empathy are traits that are stereotypically attributed to women.
My experiences in the care industry have made me think about equality, non-discrimination and gender roles and stereotypes widely. Oulu has often been a pioneer in the promotion of equality and the city’s equal development, but the work is not complete. Many steps must still be taken and thus it is important that we continue to promote equality actively on all levels of society.
Equality is also an economic and societal resource. When everyone has the opportunity to participate in society and working life, it will benefit us all. Equality does not only concern women and men, but all citizens of Oulu – children, adults, people with different cultural backgrounds, different genders and sexual orientations, and especially those who face discrimination and prejudice.
The city of Oulu has ambitious goals for promoting equality. You have compiled an Equality and Non-Discrimination Plan that covers working life, education, social services and culture. You have functional programmes that fight discrimination based on gender, age or ethnic background and create safe environments for all.
You are the first city in Finland to compile an Anti-Racism Programme that supports both young people and adults to recognize racism and intervene in it. Many immigrants consider Oulu to be less safe than before. When spending time in the city centre, especially in the evenings, I have observed shouting and threatening behavior. There is often a restless atmosphere in the city, which can create a sense of fear. Three acts of violence that were considered racist took place in Oulu last summer within a short span of time.
Anti-racism work is not the responsibility of one group or one individual. It must be the shared goal of the entire city. Cooperation with authorities, associations and different communities is key in order to make Oulu into a place where everyone feels a part of the community without fear of discrimination, hate speech or violence. I am currently serving my third year in Plan’s Children's Board, and we have utilized principles for a safe space in all our activities for years. I was happy to see that the city of Oulu has compiled principles for a safer and bolder space. Especially, I was happy to see that the importance of bolder spaces is highlighted: I believe that bold spaces enable all citizens of Oulu to be themselves and share their opinion.
Though it is great that you have the Anti-Racism Programme and the principles for a safer and bolder space, they alone are not enough. Attitudes and stereotypes are deeply rooted in our society and just paper will never remove racism. It is important to take all of these principles into practice now. Oulu can serve as an example for other cities, and I urge you to challenge other cities to create comparable Anti-Racism Programmes.
Our schools, also in my class, have students from diverse backgrounds. It is great to see that they all study in the same upper secondary schools even if everyone does not share a common, strong language. This is a great example of how we can create respectful and safe atmosphere only by being open and rooting out prejudices. They will become capable professionals in the care industry, and I hope that they will never lose job opportunities based on their backgrounds or names.
Equality is currently being challenged in Finland and the world. I hope that Oulu will despite this, and perhaps exactly for this reason, work for equality and non-discrimination with even more determination. Equality work is continual and we must remember that change takes time. Work must be pursued on all levels, in decision-making and in everyday activities.
Oulu is the European Capital of Culture next year 2026. Culture is one of the most important methods to create understanding, build bridges between population groups and dismantle prejudice. The city of Oulu’s cultural offering is diverse, and it beautifully reflects the city’s diversity. The Capital of Culture can promote so-called Cultural Climate Change, equality and non-discrimination in many ways. I suggest that you will highlight the voices and richness of diverse cultures. You have an opportunity to highlight the people whose voice is often unheard in society, and make sure that everyone can participate in culture and art regardless of their background. Please, take this chance!
Equal and broadminded Oulu also supports that every young person can choose the path they wish, and not the one society and its attitudes direct them towards.
Finally, I want to thank everyone participating in this work. Your contribution is invaluable. Together we can make Oulu into an even better city where equality is not just black text on white paper, but an everyday reality.
Thank you.