Apply for a place in daycare, family day care, or open early education four months before the desired starting time. If you are in a sudden need of daycare because of your work or education, please leave the application at least two weeks before your child needs the place. You may apply for the place electronically via the eVaka service. If you are unable to log in to eVaka, check with the Digital and Population Data Services Agency that your guardianship information is in order. You can fill in the application form below and submit it to early childhood education service guidance.
The procedures of applying vary a little when applying for municipal daycare and private daycare.
The early childhood education guidance team
The early childhood education guidance team is happy to help you in all early childhood education and day care related matters.
- On-call phone service Tue-Thu 9.00–12.00 tel. 08 558 45300 - choose number 1
- Street address: Early childhood education service guidance, Ympäristötalo Solistinkatu 2, 90140 OuluEarly childhood education service guidance serves those visiting the Environment House on weekdays from 9.00 - 15.30
- Postal address: PL 17 90015 Oulun kaupunki
- E-mail: varhaiskasvatus@ouka.fi
Please note the following exceptional service hours:
- December 5, 2024: Customer service available only until 2 PM.
- December 23-27, 2024: Customer service is completely closed. Customers can still use eVaka normally and send emails to team addresses during Christmas week.
- December 30, 2024: Service open as usual (9.00 - 15.30).
- December 31, 2024: Customer service closes at 2 PM.
- January 2-3, 2025: Service open as usual (9.00 - 15.30).