Educational and Cultural Services
Educational and Cultural Services
- early education
- basic education and youth services
- general upper secondary education, liberal adult education and art education
- cultural services
- sports and exercise services
- wellbeing promotion services
- common services
Directors' Contact Information
Director of Education and Culture Mika Penttilä, tel. 044 703 9012
Director of Early Childhood Education and Care Pirjo Koret, tel. 044 703 5335
Director of Basic Education and Youth Marjut Nurmivuori, tel. 044 703 9767
Director of Upper Secondary Education Pekka Fredriksson, tel. 044 703 9015
Director of Arts and Culture Sami Ylisaari, tel. 040 668 3578
Sports Director Niina Epäilys, tel. 044 703 8011
Director of Wellbeing and Health Promotion Pirjo Nikula, tel. 040 511 6188
Area Manager Marjut Kokko (Northern Region), tel. 050 3409432
Area Manager Leena Sankilampi (Central Region), tel. 050 341 3980
Area Manager Pasi Mäkikyrö (Eastern Region), tel. 040 010 0088
Area Manager Harri Kauppinen (Southern Region), tel. 050 341 4221
Common services
Director of Development Juha Aho, tel. 0400 415773
Director of Finance Riitta Mörö, tel. 044 703 9759
Administrative Director Anne Kerälä, tel. 050 3408649
Director of Community Engagement Pasi Laukka, tel. 044 703 1638
Director of Immigration Arto Willman, tel. 044 703 9020
Email addresses: