Central Administration
Contents of this page:
- Placeholder
The central administration operates under the city board and is headed by the Mayor. The central administration guides, supervises and supports the entire city organization and is responsible for the corporate governance of subsidiaries and takes care of the decision preparation of the city council, city board and divisions.
The central administration consists of the division of finance, strategy and corporate governance, the division of human resources, the division of administration, promotion of interests, communication and events, the division of digi and ICT and the department of internal audit. The tasks and responsibilities are elaborated in the central administration directive (in Finnish) approved by the Mayor.
The regulations regarding the jurisdiction of the central administration are elaborated in the documents listed here (in Finnish).
Administration contact details
Mayor Ari Alatossava
Contact the Mayor and Director
Division of Finance, Strategy and Corporate Governance
The division of finance, strategy and corporate governance is headed by Kari-Pekka Kronqvist.
The following teams operate within the division:
- Finance team, Finance Director Marja Kariniemi, tel. 050 597 4109
- Supervision and development of procurements team, Procurement Manager Johanna Lahdenperä, tel. 040 159 8153
- Development, knowledge management and customership team, Development Director Veli-Matti Keloneva, tel. 044 703 1261
- Strategy and corporate governance, Strategy Director Kari-Pekka Kronqvist, tel. 044 703 1257
Division of Human Resources
The division of human resources is headed by HR Director Tuomas Halonen.
Secratary Kaija Rahja tel. 044 703 1441
Division of Administration, Promotion of Interests, Communication and Events
The division of administration, promotion of interests, communication and events is headed by Administration Director Ari Heikkinen
The following teams and departments operate within the division:
- Administration team, Administration Director Ari Heikkinen, tel. 040 070 0507
- Decision preparation support department, Administration Manager Minna Parkkila, tel. 044 703 1201
- Legal services department, City Attorney Jukka Lampén, tel. 044 703 1149
- Document management, Document Management Manager Sanna-Leena Eskola, tel. 044 703 0671
- The Mayor's Office team, Administration Director Ari Heikkinen tel. 040 070 0507
- Communications department, Head of Communications Sari Valppu tel. 044 703 1145
- Events department, Head of Events Jarkko Halunen tel. 044 703 8274
Division of Digi and ICT
The division of digi and ICT is headed by Information Management Director Tapio Matinmikko, tel. 040 506 3588
The following teams operate within the division:
- End user and information system services team, ICT Service Manager Jukka Kukkonen, tel. 040 673 2728
- ICT infrastructure services team, ICT Infrastructure Services Manager Päivi Kärki, tel. 044 703 1450
- Presentation technology, education and mobile operator services team, ICT Infrastructure Services Manager Petri Kaski, tel. 050 593 6936
- Information management and technologies team, Development Manager Ari Ylinärä, tel. 040 562 2684
- Digital security team, Chief Information Security Officer Kari Nykänen, tel. 044 703 3555 (email: kari.j.nykanen(at)ouka.fi)
Internal Audit
Internal audit, Chief Audit Executive Susanna Piltonen
Email addresses are usually in the following form: firstname.lastname@ouka.fi
See also: Internal audit (in Finnish)