The city of Oulu participates in the SuomiAreena in Pori with the theme of sustainable future


The city of Oulu participates in the national discussion festival SuomiAreena in Pori from Tuesday to Friday June 25–28. Oulu’s themes are STEAM learning and the Sustainable Future’s Learning Flow. SuomiAreena consists of discussion events and a Citizen Fair and Oulu participates in both.  

Panel arranged by the city of Oulu on Thursday June 27 

On Thursday June 27, the SuomiAreena’s themes are green transition, energy, education and circular economy. On Thursday, the city of Oulu arranges a panel discussion with topical theme of “Korjataan pallo itse” (Fin. Let’s fix the planet ourselves) at 17.00–17.45. The panel discusses whether difficult problems can be faced and solved with education and cooperation. There will be tough discussions with a relaxed attitude. 

Sustainable Future Development Teacher Jussi Tomberg explains Oulu’s theme as follows: 

“Could sustainable future come true with cooperation, trials and excitement? No one is going to give us a miracle curriculum that would totally change working culture and would commit everyone to the sustainable transition and cooperate within the limits of one planet. We have to create it ourselves. Sustainability requires competence and values. The duty of schools is to raise competent and eco-socially civilized individuals and communities. Sustainable future and STEAM pedagogy shake hands by trials, activities and cooperation.” 

The panel speakers are Oulu’s Kaakkuri School’s principal Matti Ahola, Member of Parliament Timo Furuholm, the University of Oulu’s Senior Lecturer Sari Harmoinen, the BIOS Research Unit’s environmental philosophy and environmental politics Researcher Ville Lähde, and the STEAM Coordinator Paula Vorne from the city of Oulu’s Educational and Cultural Services.  

Jussi Tomberg and the Kaakkuri School’s students Viki Kaijanen and Siiri Sundqvist will be hosting the panel.  

The panel discussions can be watched on location in Pori free of charge, or as a live broadcast or recording on MTV Katsomo.  

Oulu at the Citizen Fair every day 

Oulu is present at the Citizen Fair at their tent on the Pori Market Square every day. At the Oulu tent, you can learn more about STEAM pedagogy and Sustainable Future’s Learning Flow in a practical method.  

Additionally, there is a FabPatch clothing patch machine suitable to the theme at the tent.  

Read more about SuomiAreena 
Oulu’s page: A higher degree of sustainability ( (in Finnish)