Jääli Library
Opening hours
Jääli Library is located in the premises of the Laivakangas School.
You can log in during self-service hours with a library card and PIN code.
Laivakankaantie 10
90940 JÄÄLI
Oulu, Finland
Library customer service
055 8473 37
Jääli Library
044 4993 131
Postal address
PL 15
The route to the main entrance
- The route to the entrance is smooth and sufficiently wide and illuminated.
The main entrance
- The entrance stands out clearly and is illuminated. There is a canopy above the entrance.
- The entrance has a steep ramp under 6 m long.
- The doors connected to the entrance are hard to perceive. The door opens automatically with a button.
- The entrance has thresholds over 2 cm high.
In the facility
- The customer service point is on the same floor as the entrance.
- The doors in the customer service point stand out clearly.
- The waiting room of the customer service point has no queue number system. The waiting room has chairs.