Import and Export of Foodstuffs
The demands regarding import and export vary based on country and product. Internal market trade is import and export that takes place between EU states. Actual import and export concerns countries outside of the EU.
Internal Market Import of Foodstuffs of Animal Origin from EU States
File a notification about beginning or the alteration of internal market import of foodstuffs of animal origin operations to the Environment Office of the Oulu Region at least four (4) weeks before beginning import operations. You may file the notification in the notification service (in Finnish) or by filling the form on the Food Sector Operation Registration and Approval webpage. File the notification also when terminating or suspending operations.
Import notifications for arrived shipments
Inform the Foodstuff Control about monthly import shipments. The notification must be filed quarterly with
- an online import notification form (Finnish Food Authority) or
- an import notification form (Finnish Food Authority)
If you file the notification with a form, please send the form as an attachment via email to the Finnish Food Authority and the Environment Office of the Oulu Region (
Before beginning import operations, familiarize yourself with the internal market import of foodstuffs of animal origin demands on the Finnish Food Authority website.
Import of Foodstuffs Outside of the EU
The importer is responsible for the safety and product labels of the products.
Register the import operation to your home municipality’s foodstuff control if you are importing foodstuffs or food contact materials from outside the EU.
The Finnish Food Authority controls the import of plants, animals and animal products. Customs control the import of foodstuffs of non-animal origin (such as drinks, candy and cookies).
Export of Foodstuffs Outside of the EU
The export regulations of foodstuffs can vary based on country and product. Familiarize yourself with the export regulations and the required export certificates on the Finnish Food Authority’s website in good time before beginning operations.
Register to the Exporter Registry (eCert system) administered by the Finnish Food Authority if you are exporting foodstuffs outside of the EU.
More on the topic elsewhere
Information for internal market import operators (Finnish Food Authority)