Food Sector Operation Registration and Approval
Contents of this page:
- What is a registered food business?
- - announcement service
- What to do when you are establishing a food business that requires registration such as restaurants, stores or bakeries
- When does the food premises require approval?
- When you are establishing food premises that require approval:
- Food premises approval applications (in Finnish)
- Ending or suspension of food business operations
- Food business that does not require registration
- More on the topic elsewhere
What is a registered food business?
Registered food businesses are, for example, selling foodstuffs, restaurants, cafés, bakeries, mobile food premises, online stores selling foodstuffs, import and export of foodstuffs as well as professional transportation of foodstuffs. A registration announcement must be made of food contact material production, import and wholesale. Food contact materials mean all materials that come into contact with foodstuffs, such as packing materials.
What to do when you are establishing a food business that requires registration such as restaurants, stores or bakeries
Find suitable premises and familiarize yourself with the instructions
Design your operations and premises in a way that all stages of work can be implemented hygienically.
The Finnish Food Authority offers instructions for the establishment of food businesses.
We also have compiled instructions for the establishment that describe premises requirements (in Finnish). We offer instructions for the establishment of premises of restaurants, stores and bakeries among other things. The Finnish Food Authority also list the requirements of mobile food premises and service points (in Finnish).
You may contact a health inspector in time and ask for further advice on the premises requirements.
Contact building inspection if needed
Figure out from building inspection if the designed premises is suitable for the planned use or do you need further construction permit. You may ask building inspection if the technical facilities of the premises are suitable for the operation.
Compile an own-check plan before starting operations
An own-check plan is a written plan of identification and controlling food safety hazards. The own-check plan is your business’s own instruction to help you introduce your staff to food safety principles and monitor food safety entries.
File a written notification at least four weeks before starting operations
File the notification in the service. Attach an up-to-date blueprint that shows the placement of all equipment in the notification.
Remember to also file a notification when the operations change significantly or the operator changes.
If you are unable to file the notification via, you may file the announcement with the following forms:
food businesses (pdf), imobile food premises (pdf), food contact material operations (pdf), importation of foodstuffs of animal origin (pdf). (Form in Finnish)
Deliver the filled in form with all relevant attachments to the e-mail address or by mail: Oulun ympäristötoimi, PL 34, 90015 Oulun kaupunki.
The notification is processed
Once we have processed the notification, we will send you a certificate. The processing is subject to a charge. Read more on the charges (in Finnish).
You may begin operations on the planned date
Follow your own-check plan and start writing entries immediately after the operations begin.
The first inspection of the new operations is done within the first 1-6 months. The time and inspection frequency are determined by the nature and extent of the operation. The date of the inspection is usually agreed on together beforehand.
After this, the inspections will be done without prior notice. The inspections are risk-based, and the inspection frequency can vary from three inspections in a year to one inspection in three years.
The business owner will always receive an inspection report. The majority of inspections are Oiva-inspections. An Oiva report is compiled from the inspections as well, and it must be placed in a spot that is visible to customers.
The inspections are subject to a charge. Additionally, an annual service charge is collected for food control.
When does the food premises require approval?
If the food business handles raw foodstuffs of animal origin and they are delivered for retail sale or to other approved food premises, the food premises needs approval before starting operations. Examples of operations that require approval:
Gutting fish
Production of fish product
Meat cutting
Production of meat product
Production of milk product out of raw milk
Industrial kitchen that uses raw meat, fish or milk in food production and that delivers food produces from these materials to other kitchens when distribution and serving chain are not parts of the self-monitoring plan
If you are establishing a business that cuts meat or produces minced meat, raw meat products and meat products, you need approval.
When you are establishing food premises that require approval:
Find suitable premises and familiarize yourself with the design manual
Design your operations and premises in a way that all stages of work can be implemented hygienically.
Finnish Food Authority offers setting up instructions for different food premises. The guide and online course offer instruction on matters such as premises requirements.
You may contact food control and ask for further advice on premises requirements.
You may read more about the legislation regarding food premises from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland’s website (in Finnish).
Contact building inspection if needed
Figure out from building inspection if the designed premises is suitable for the planned use or do you need further construction permit. You may ask building inspection if the technical facilities of the premises are suitable for the operation.
Compile an own-check plan before starting operations
An own-check plan is a written plan of identification and controlling food safety hazards. The own-check plan is your business’s own instruction to help you introduce your staff to food safety principles and monitor food safety entries.
Read more on own-check plans from Finnish Food Authority's website.
Send an application for approval to the Environmental Office of the Oulu Region
Apply for approval for your food premises from the Environmental Office of the Oulu Region. If you are planning significant changes to your operations (such as extensions or new operations), please apply for approval for the change.
You may use the following formst: fish product (pdf), meat product (pdf), milk product (pdf), production of egg product (pdf), egg packing (pdf) and storage (pdf). (Forms in Finnish).
Deliver the application with all relevant attachments to the e-mail address or by mail: Oulun seudun ympäristötoimi, PL 34, 90015 Oulun kaupunki.
The application processing is subject to a charge. Read more on the charges (in Finnish).
Food control inspects the premises and operations
The inspection related to approval applications is not charged.
You may start operations once the authorities have approved your premises or changes
Food control either approves or disapproves your application after the first inspection. You may begin operations only after the premises or change is approved.
Inspection frequency is determined by the nature and extent of operations. The inspections are risk-based, and the inspection frequency can vary from 1-12 inspections a year.
The business owner will always receive an inspection report. The majority of inspections are Oiva inspections.
The inspections are subject to a charge. Additionally, an annual charge is collected for food control.
Ending or suspension of food business operations
Announce the ending or suspension of operations without delay. File a written announcement. You may file the announcement on the service or with a freeform letter via e-mail to the address
Food business that does not require registration
Low-risk sale or serving of foodstuffs by private individuals or associations is free from registration. Registration of food business operations is not required when:
A private individual bakes bread, dry cakes, cookies, buns or other bakery products stored at room temperature for sale. The sales of such operation must not exceed the maximum of 15 000 € per year.
A private individual or business is allowed to prepare perishable foodstuffs up to a maximum of 12 times per year (Pop-up operations, Finnish Food Authority).
Frying sausages or pancakes at sport, school or resident’s association events.
Food business operations take place on the same premises as the other business operations of the operator (for example, coffee and biscuits served at the hairdresser’s)
Finnish Food Authority's guide offers further examples of operations that do not require registration (in Finnish). However, if any operation includes activities listed in the 6th chapter of the Finnish Food Authority’s guide (in Finnish) such as production of sushi or sale of dietary supplements, the operation must be registered.
Things to remember considering operations that do not require registration
Even though your operation does not require registration, the products must be safe. Handle foodstuffs with care and remember the cold chain. Attach the following information on all foodstuffs and foods for the customer: the foodstuffs name, allergens and information about the raw meat’s country of origin.
More on the topic elsewhere
Setting up a food business and self-control plan (Finnish Food Authority)
Make an announcement of a food business or apply for approval (Finnish Food Authority)
Registered food business (Finnish Food Authority)
Approved establishments(Finnish Food Authority)
Industrial kitchen operations (in Finnish) (Finnish Food Authority)
Pop-up restaurant activities (Finnish Food Authority)
Whether or not the operation requires registration (in Finnish) (Finnish Food Authority)
Foodstuffs transportation (in Finnish) (Finnish Food Authority)
Packages and other food contact materials (Finnish Food Authority)