Environmental Protection Permits and Notifications

On this page you will find information about permits and notifications of the Environment Office of the Oulu Region. 

Apply for Permits and Notifications

Marina waste management plan

Professional waste collection

One-off waste utilization in earth construction

Experimental activities

Leaving decommissioned oil tanks underground

Manure stack storage

Exceptions from the manure spreading prohibition period

Natural monument

Extractable land permits and extraction for domestic use

Off-Road Traffic Act mandated permit

You will need a permit for repetitive and fixed motor vehicle races or practice sessions organized in off-road terrains. You will also need a permit for individual events if they cause significant harm to nature, housing, general recreational use and fishing among other things. 

You don’t need a permit if the activity is located in an area reserved for that purpose in the city plan, or in an area with an environmental permit. 

What to do 

Apply for the permit from the Environmental Protection online service (ePermit) (in Finnish).

Attach a map of the area of activity, landowner’s written consent, review of safety matters, a terrain damage repair plan and cleaning plan with the application. 

If you cannot file the application in the online service, you may deliver it by e-mail or by mail to the Environment Office of the Oulu Region.


  • Permit application for races and practice sessions (pdf) (in Finnish) 

Noise notification

Establishing snowmobile routes


Deviations from domestic wastewater treatment regulations

Exemption from connecting to a water or sewer network

Water Traffic Act mandated permit

Joint permit (extractable land and environmental permit)

General notifications

Environmental permit

File Applications in the Online Service 

You may fill in and file applications electronically in the online service. You must create an account in order to use the service. The service is in Finnish. 

Please note that the online service cannot be used for applying for environmental or joint permits for example. We recommend using the online service if possible. 

Deliver documents to the registry

If you cannot use the online service, you may deliver the applications and notifications for the Environment Office of the Oulu Region to the registry: 

e-mail: kirjaamo@ouka.fi 

Oulun seudun ympäristötoimi (the Environment Office of the Oulu Region) 
Oulun kaupungin kirjaamo (City of Oulu Registry) 
Postal address: Pl 71, 90015 Oulun kaupunki 

Visiting address: Kansankatu 55A 
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8.30-15.30 


The processing of permit applications, notifications and other matters may be subject to a charge. Read more about the Environment Office of the Oulu Region’s charges (in Finnish). 

Contact Us

Environment Office of the Oulu Region
Environmental Protection
Environmental Protection help line is open on weekdays 9.00-15.00. E-mail is read on weekdays.

Read Legislation