Printing and Scanning
On this page you can find places where you can print, copy, scan and 3D print documents. Please note that a fee can be charged for printing and copying.
Printing and Scanning
BusinessOulu Employment Services
BusinessOulu Employment Services
You will get digital guidance in employment matters at BusinessAsema without appointment in the Digi-Skills For Job Search Service from Tue – Thu at 12.00–15.00.
You can also participate in the advanced Online Job Search Guidance Training. See further details and registration instructions from the BusinessAsema Event Calendar.
BusinessAsema Guidance Service
Hallituskatu 36 B, Oulu
You can also participate in the advanced Online Job Search Guidance Training. See further details and registration instructions from the BusinessAsema Event Calendar.
BusinessAsema Guidance Service
Hallituskatu 36 B, Oulu
Oulu10 Service Points
Oulu10 Customer Service
The city of Oulu’s centered customer service offers you guidance in using the city’s and specific official state online services. You will also get information about other digital support services in Oulu. The personnel follow the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s Ethical Guidelines for Digital Support.
Customers may use computers and printers at the Service Points.
Customers may use computers and printers at the Service Points.
City of Oulu Libraries
You can print at all city of Oulu libraries, except the Asema and Hiukkavaara Libraries
The libraries' Digital Handymen will help you with small information technology problems and printing, for example. Digital Handymen also guide you with using the Digital Workshop in the Pekuri Library. Digital Handymen are present from Monday to Friday at the Pekuri Library. You can book Digital Handymen in the Varaamo Service.
3D Printing
Digital Workshop
Digital Workshop
At the Digital Workshop, you can explore new technology and digital small-scale manufacturing with the help of libraries' Digital Handymen. The Digital Workshop includes customer computers, digitizers and a microfilm scanner. The devices can be reserved in the Varaamo Service. Digital Handymen will guide you with their use.
BusinessAsema FabLab
BusinessAsema FabLab
The BusinessAsema FabLab is open with reservation from Monday to Friday at 9.00–16.00. Reservations must be made by 12.00 the previous weekday. Anyone can make a reservation.
Jari Uusitalo
Instructor, BusinessAsema FabLab
Jari Uusitalo
Instructor, BusinessAsema FabLab