Swimming School
Please see the detailed registration times and schedules on the Finnish website or by contacting the Swimming Pool customer service.
Oulu offers high-quality and diverse swimming education to citizens all the way from babies to adults. In the accordions below you will find more information about swimming schools. Registration is done via the online registration service.
The Goals of Children’s Swimming Schools
The children’s swimming schools are instructed in Finnish.
Family Swimming Playschool, 3–4 years old (for children who are unable to swim and timid in water, a familiar adult accompanies in the pool)
In Family Swimming Playschool, children will familiarize themselves with water and practice basic swimming skills through play together with a familiar adult. Family Swimming Playschools utilize social learning and the participating adult is expected to take part in the play and practices. In Family Swimming Playschool, the children will learn to move independently in water, submerge (face and ears under the water), blow bubbles into the water as well as float and slide with assistive equipment.
Swimming Playschool, 4–5 years old (for children who are unable to swim and timid in water)
In Swimming Playschool, children will familiarize themselves with water and practice basic swimming skills through play. The children will learn to move independently in water, submerge (face and ears under the water), blow bubbles into the water as well as float and slide with assistive equipment. Once the child has learned these skills, they can move on to Primary Swimming School.
Primary Swimming School, 5–6 years old (for children who are unable to swim but bold in water)
The child may participate in Primary Swimming School once the child has achieved the goals of Swimming Playschool. In Primary Swimming School, the children will practice basic swimming skills (floating, sliding, swimming kicks among other skills) through play. The child will learn to dive, float and slide as well as swim freestyle for five meters. Once the child has learned these skills, they can move on to Follow-up Swimming School.
Follow-up Swimming School, 5–7 years old (for children who can dive and swim freestyle for five meters)
The child may participate in Follow-up Swimming School once the child has achieved the goals of Primary Swimming School. In Follow-up Swimming School, the children will practice beginner swimming styles (beginner’s backstroke, mole-paddling). The child will learn to swim for ten meters on their stomach and for ten meters on their back and will strengthen their diving skills through different diving practices.
Primary Swimming School, 7–12 years old
In Primary Swimming School, the children will practice basic swimming skills (floating and sliding). The child will learn to dive, float and slide as well as swim freestyle for five meters.
Follow-up Swimming School, 7–12 years old (for children who can dive and swim freestyle for 5 meters)
In Follow-up Swimming School, the children will practice beginner swimming styles (beginner’s backstroke, mole-paddling). The child will learn to swim for ten meters on their stomach and for ten meters on their back and will strengthen their diving skills through different diving practices.
Technique Course, 7–12 years old (for children who can mole-paddle for at least ten meters and beginner’s backstroke for at least ten meters)
Freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke techniques are taught during the Technique Course. The child will learn to swim for 25 meters on their stomach and 25 meters on their back.
Evening Swimming Schools
Evening swimming schools are organized throughout the year, excluding the summertime (June and July). The evening swimming schools offer Swimming Playschool, Primary Swimming School and Follow-up Swimming School courses. The evening swimming schools are intended for 3–6 years old children.
The courses are published in the online registration system.
Summer Swimming Schools
In the summers, we organize diverse swimming school activities for 3–12 years old children. We offer Swimming Playschools, Primary Swimming Schools, Follow-up Swimming Schools and Technique Courses. In the summers, it is also possible to register for Water Polo, Diving and Swimming Skill courses.
The summer courses are published in the online registration system.
Swimming School Fees
Children: 5 sessions 30 €, 10 sessions 60 €
Adults: 5 sessions 45 €
Adult Swimming Schools
Adult Vesi tutuksi Course (Water Familiarization)
Duration: 5 sessions, in the Oulu Swimming Pool’s Learning Pool
Goal: Conquering the fear of water, getting used to water
Adult Primary Course
Duration: 5 sessions, in the Oulu Swimming Pool’s Exercise Pool
Goal: Learning the basics of breathing techniques and swimming
Adult Technique Course
Duration: 5 sessions, in the Oulu Swimming Pool's Exercise Pool
Goal: Learning swimming techniques
Before the first swimming session, the group will meet in the Swimming Pool entrance hall 15 minutes before the session’s starting time. The session lasts for 45 minutes.
Further information from the swimming instructors tel. 044 703 8104; for the Haukipudas Vesi-Jatuli groups tel. 050 430 4126.
Swimming School Instructions
In Raksila and Raatti, the swimming instructor takes a roll call in the entrance hall and gives instructions 15 minutes before the session’s starting time.
The parents will escort the children to the pool and back after the session.
Please note that for hygiene reasons, it is not allowed to enter the shower and pool facilities in outdoor shoes.
The teaching time is 30 minutes.
In Vesi-Jatuli, Haukipudas, the swimming instructor will escort the childrento the pool after meeting in the entrance hall at the session’s starting time. Parents of children in Swimming Playschool may accompany the children in the dressing rooms.
Further information from the swimming instructors tel. 044 703 8104; for the Haukipudas Vesi-Jatuli groups tel. 050 430 4126.
If you are registering a special-needs child for swimming school in the online registration service, please contact Jyrki Hiltunen by phone, tel. 044 703 8043.
Swimming Education of Special Schools
Special Swimming School courses are organized for primary school children between September and April. Oulu’s municipal schools are offered free-of-charge transportation, private schools must arrange the transportation themselves.
Further information from tapani.tuomikoski@ouka.fi, tel. 044 703 8062.