The city of Oulu has an extensive network of over 1000 kilometers of roadway and over 900 kilometers of pedestrian and cycle paths. The network grows larger each year as new streets are built. The city is responsible for the maintenance of the roadways and the pedestrian and cycle paths that locate in the city plan areas.
Who ensures maintenance of the streets?
The city provides snow clearance and gritting for its public access streets and cycle lanes. The streets are divided into three maintenance classes, and the cycle lanes are split in two. Additionally, in winter the main cycle lane routes have their own maintenance classification.
Road maintenance associations and property owners are responsible for the maintenance and sanitation of private streets and roads. For more information, please visit the website concerning private roads (in Finnish).
The property owner is, along with the city, responsible for the maintenance of the street area adjacent to the house.
Should you notice any traffic-endangering damage in the street area, please report the matter immediately to your areal contractor’s on-call number or to the emergency response centre. If needed, alert others in traffic about the damage.
Areal Contractors' Contact Information (in Finnish)
Street Maintenance Classes Map
Give feedback on street maintenance