OSKE Services for Employers

Employer! Do you need help in the recruitment process? 

OSKE has diverse professionals as customers and among them you might find an employee for your business needs. 

Our services include for example: 

  • Presenting job seekers to employers 

  • Information about employment support systems, such as pay subsidy or work trial 

  • Help with questions about recruiting immigrants 

  • Organizing recruitment events 

OSKE’s goal is to support the employment of immigrants while helping employers find suitable workers and lower the threshold of hiring employees speaking foreign languages. We work closely together with employers, education institutions and employment support operators. 

We are continually searching for new cooperation partners. Inquiries are welcome. 

The service is non-committal and free of charge. 

Further information about services for employers 

  • Anna-Mari Mäkelä 
    Coordinator of Customer Guidance and Business Cooperation 
    tel. 040 558 4647, anna-mari.makela@ouka.fi 

  • Johanna Karjula 
    Coordinator of Customer Guidance and Business Cooperation 
    tel. 040 620 6923, johanna.karjula@ouka.fi