Third coronavirus vaccine doses offered to all those aged 18 or over


Third coronavirus vaccine doses will be offered to all those aged 18 or over when at least 5 months have passed after the second vaccine dose. 

For groups already recommended third vaccine doses, booster doses are also recommended at least 5 months after the second dose. These groups include those aged 60 or over, those who have been vaccinated at short dose intervals, people in risk groups, social welfare and health care personnel that works with coronavirus patients, and other social welfare and health care personnel providing urgent care around the clock. For the severely immunodeficient, a third dose is recommended two months after a second dose like before.

The recommendation for a third dose also applies to men under 30 years of age who will be administered BioNTech-Pfizer’s Comirnaty as a third vaccine dose.

Read more on the page Vaccinations against Coronavirus (in the section Third dose of corona vaccine)