The introduction of eVaka, i.e. the electronic classroom for early childhood education and care, will be postponed by one month


The introduction of eVaka in early childhood education and care in the City of Oulu will be postponed by one month and the new commissioning date is 5.10.2022.

The reason for the postponement of the deployment is unforeseen technical problems in the transfer of data from the old system to the new eVaka. With a one-month extension, we ensure that all the necessary information can be found in eVaka when it is taken into use.

Thanks to the transfer of the deployment, we will also have access to the latest features of eVaka and have time to do a comprehensive testing of them. Planned trainings are held according to the schedule. In addition, we arrange refresher training for our staff to ensure that the use of eVaka is smooth at the start of use.

Guardians' info about eVaka and its use will be held in Teams on Tuesday 30.8.2022 at 17.30-19.30. Note that info will be in Finnish. Participation link to the event:

Oulu 29.8.2022

Kirsi Ranki, Acting Director of the City of Oulu Director of Early Childhood Education and Care

Anu Hamari, project manager at eVaka

For more information, contact the project manager Anu Hamari

More information about eVaka can be found in