Puistopiknik, piirroskuva

Free of charge summer events at Oulu’s Park Picnics


The city of Oulu’s Event Services and Valve’s Urban Neighborhood Culture Services organize free of charge and open Park Picnics for everyone in July-August. A series of 16 events will be held filled with music of various genres as live performances and DJ shows. There will also be children’s theater, participatory street culture and physical workshops. The Holli Stage at Hollihaka Park is once again the centre of the events, but the events will spread all over Oulu and its parks as well. 

The performers and organizers of the events are Oulu’s artists, hobbyists, groups and associations. The performers and organizers were chosen based on the programming application held in April. There were approximately 70 applicants. Just as last year, the party responsible for the production of the Park Picnics is the cultural association Kelluva ry, which runs the operations of the Floating Stage (Kelluva Lava). 

“We paid special attention to ensuring that different target groups will be considered as widely as possible in this year’s program choices. The goal was ensuring that there will be something for everyone”, the chairperson of Kelluva ry Maria Similä says. 

“The Park Picnics are events that bring all citizens together with a low barrier to entry. It is also important that we offer performance opportunities for hobbyists as well”, city of Oulu’s Head of Events Jarkko Halunen states.  

Park Picnics are organized on top of Hollihaka in the Ainola Park, Tuira Park, Tuira Beach, Äimärautio Allotment Garden, Oulunsalo Traditional Village Museum and the Floating Stage in Pikisaari. Programming starts on Wednesday July 3, with the Evening of New Songwriters on the Holli Stage. 

Detailed program information from the Park Picnics webpage 

You will find the Oulu Park Picnics on social media: Facebook and Instagram. Detailed and up-to-date information will be provided on social media. Alterations to the programming are possible and weather might affect the events.