The city of Oulu’s Equality and Non-Discrimination Special Recognition Award was granted to Vuolle Setlementti ry. and an honorable mention to Liikkuva laulureppu
The city of Oulu’s Equality and Non-Discrimination Special Recognition Award was given out on Friday January 31 at the Oulu City Hall. The award was granted to Vuolle Setlementti ry. and an honorable mention to Liikkuva laulureppu. Recommendations for the 2021–25 council term’s award recipient were collected in the fall of 2024 and all citizens of Oulu had the opportunity to offer recommendations. The Equality and Non-Discrimination Committee chose the award recipient and the honorable mention during their meeting on November 26, 2024.
The award-winner, Vuolle setlementti ry., influences the wellbeing of citizens widely, according to the award justification. In its activities, Vuolle setlementti promotes the healing of people who have suffered from violence and used violence. Vuolle setlementti highlights and deals with societal problems. It strives to promote equality, reduce segregation and promote mutual respect. Vuolle invites cooperation. Vuolle performs important work with different people: integration of immigrants, sex education, youth work, bringing the elderly together to reduce loneliness, helping victims of crime, and offering hobby opportunities to citizens of all ages.
The city of Oulu’s Equality and Non-Discrimination honorable mention was given to Liikkuva laulureppu. The choice is justified as follows: Liikkuva laulureppu has done diverse musical work for 15 years with special needs children and young people with a positive attitude. They have also highlighted equality and cohesion. Liikkuva laulureppu has procuded music suitable for everyone for years. They have hosted children’s music classes, band clubs for special needs children and sang in nursing homes and residential care homes. Everyone feels welcome and gets to participate at their concerts, regardless of their special needs or health. Additionally, they have toured schools and libraries with their anti-bullying programme.
The city of Oulu’s Equality and Non-Discrimination Committee grants the special recognition award to a local operator in Oulu that creditably promotes equality and non-discrimination, as well as concrete actions and development work. The award criteria includes that the recipient must follow the city of Oulu’s values in their activities: boldness, fairness and responsibility. The operator must also promote equality and non-discrimination activities in Oulu.