Celebrating Independence Day in Oulu on December 6
In Oulu, the Finnish Independence Day December 6, 2024, is celebrated traditionally.
On Friday December 6, at 9.00 a gun salute will be fired in Linnansaari, and a tribute will be held at Cathedral at 9.45. At 10.00, services will be held in churches and at 11.30, tributes will be held at the Oulu Cemetery’s memorials.
The University of Oulu’s Student Union organizes a traditional torchlight procession on Independence Day. You may follow the procession along the route and listen to the performance on the City Hall’s stairs, as well as see the ceremony at the cemetery.
The procession starts from the Market Square at 17.30 and travels through Rotuaari to the Oulu Cemetery. The University’s mixed choir Cassiopeia will perform at 17.40 at the City Hall’s stairs.
According to tradition, homes and institutions will be illuminated on the evening of Independence Day at 18.00–20.00.
Civic festivities in the Madetoja Hall on December 6 at 13.00
Independence Day will be celebrated in the evening in a traditionally festive atmosphere in the Oulu Music Centre’s Madetoja Hall. This year, Oulu Symphony is performing, led by Conductor Eero Lehtimäki. Additionally, the Soma Ensemble, Madetoja Music School’s Girl Choir and Teuvo Pakkala School’s third grade music class will be performing.
Oulu Music Centre’s doors will open at 11.45 and the celebratory coffee service will start at 12.00.
Celebratory speech will be given by Municipal Councilor Marja-Leena Kemppainen, Christian Democrats, Chairperson of the Oulu Christian Democrat Council Faction. The festivities will be hosted by Intendant Maija Kuusisto.
The event includes sign language interpretations, and it can be followed live at the address www.ouka.fi/en/independence-day and muoulu.fi.
The civic festivities are organized by the Oulu City Board.
Other Independence Day events can be found in the city of Oulu Event Calendar: Oulu Event Calendar
FRIDAY DECEMBER 6, 2024, AT 13.00
Oulu Music Centre, Madetoja Hall
Oulu Symphony
Eero Lehtimäki, Conductor
Soma Ensemble
Madetoja Music School Girl Choir
Elina Kärki, Choir Director
Teuvo Pakkala School third grade music class
Maria Viitasaari, Choir Director
Ilona Heikkilä, violin
Onerva Heikkilä, violin
Inari Heikkilä, cello
Markku Viitasaari, piano
Jean Sibelius: Karelia Suite Op. 11
Alla Marcia
Lasse Mårtenson: Myrskyluodon Maija
Arranged by Lauri Porra and Vili Robert Ollilla
Leevi Madetoja: Marian Murhe Op. 27 number 2
Lyrics by A. Oksanen
Toivo Kuula: Hiiren peijaat Op. 29b number 2
Lyrics by Kanteletar
Annamari Kähärä: Samsara
Marja-Leena Kemppainen
Municipal Councilor, Chairperson of the Oulu Christian Democrat Council Faction
Meillä Oulussa koulussa
Pohjantähden poikaset
Arranged and lyrics by Maria Viitasaari
Jean Sibelius: Finlandia Op. 26
Fredrik Pacius: Maamme
Lyrics by J. L. Runeberg
Finnish translation by P. Cajander