9. Pilot projects

During the Equal Oulu2026 project, we implemented 9 pilot projects with the aim of developing concrete measures to promote diversity. The topics of the pilots and partners were selected at the beginning of the project, when we mapped out the most important development needs in order to promote equality with the Oulu2026 actors.

Our goal was for the subject areas and implementation methods of the pilots to address equality from different perspectives, such as through accessibility, inclusion and diversity. At the same time, it was important to develop different ways and precise measures in organisations to achieve the development goals, such as using accessibility mapping, strategy work, group activities, network activities, peer mentoring and event production.

Some of the pilots will continue after the pilot period of the project as part of the partners' activities. Take a look at the successful examples of the Equal Oulu2026 project and partners and boldly try new ways of working in your own organisation.

Pilot projects

Network of communities and organisations with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds

Roman Café

Youth Event - International Week of Deaf People

International Café in Pyhäjärvi

Accessibility mapping of Kaukametsä

Kajaani Art Museum and Kainuu Museum as developers of accessibility and inclusion

The Peer Mentoring Network for Cultural Leadership for Equality

Scenic frame of Taivalkoski

Swedish book club - Bokcirkel

Equal Oulu2026 -project is co-founded by the European Union.