6. Safer space principles
Principles of Safer Space
Safer space refers to a supportive, non-threatening environment where all participants can feel comfortable, express themselves, and share experiences without fear of discrimination or retaliation. The safer word has ended up being used instead of the safe word, because “a completely safe space for everyone can never be created with absolute certainty” (Source: Culture for All -service).
A safer space is not just a trend word; for example, consideration for equality and diversity is defined by law (see the Non-Discrimination Act 1325/2014 and the Act on Equality between Women and Men 609/1986). The concept of safe space is not, for example, about restricting freedom of speech, but about a culture of conversation without other words of disparaging or subjugation.
It is important to establish the principles of a safer space to be a communal process: The principles that are spoken and accepted together are then understood in the same way as possible. It will also make it easier for participants to take on real ownership and responsibility for the principles.
Safer Space Training
Safer Space training was offered free of charge to municipalities and employees in the Equal Oulu2026 project area as a concrete tool to intervene in difficult situations and to prevent different forms of discrimination, bullying, harassment or violence.
The training was built in two parts. The first time was theory-oriented, but the topic was also explored through discussions with couples and small groups. We went over the following concepts and criteria, among others:
- What does it mean to have a safer space?
- What are the grounds for discrimination?
- What is the definition of harassment?
- What is the harassment contact person and what role does he play?
- How to create an inclusive process to develop and maintain a safer space?¨
The second meeting began with a brief recap. Participants were then divided into groups where they received questions for independent reflection and group discussions. Finally, each small group wrote down the principles they hoped would be recorded as the principles of their own organization. The assignment stressed that the members of the groups were to agree on the principles.
Group Agreement
Process description
We carried out workshops on the principles of Safer Space based on the Group Agreement workshop of the Peace Education Institute. The course of the workshop is described below:
Step 1
Explain why making a group agreement is important for the sake of group dynamics and the feeling of safety as well as for everyone to be able to fully participate.
Step 2
Ask the group members to think of the following questions by themselves and to write their answers down on post-it notes (one answer per note):
- What do you need to feel safe?
- What would encourage you to participate in a cultural event? (e.g. festival, exhibition, cinema)?
- What do you need to be able to feel that you are an equal part of the group?
Step 3
A couple of minutes of small group discussion about the answers. Can you think of anything else you would like to write on the note? Finally, let's go through the answers.
(Repeat steps 2 and 3.)
Step 4
Always put the same type of answers under one theme.
Let's consider for each theme how can we all try to meet these needs? Next, establish among the whole group the principles of Safer Space, in which a list of all mentioned needs is written.
If necessary, add a few points to the agreement, e.g.
- Addressing inappropriate or threatening behaviour
- Accessibility
Step 5
Finally, let's read out the principles and see if anyone wants to add something. If everyone accepts the principles, it becomes a common agreement in that space, which everyone is expected to respect. Also mention that matters can be added to the list by mutual agreement and the agreement can be referred to whenever necessary.
Harassment contact person at cultural events
The task of the harassment contact person is to provide low-threshold support and assistance to those who encounter harassment, discrimination or inappropriate behavior. The harassment contact person acts as a confidential and safe support person for the victims of harassment. The activity of the harassment contact person helps to maintain a safer space and an inclusive atmosphere.
The harassment contact person prevents harassment and inappropriate behavior. His existence in action can reduce harassment cases, as it shows that the organizer takes the issue seriously. The appointment of a harassment contact person is a signal of the organiser's responsibility and commitment to equality. At the same time, it enables better intervention in problem situations, lowers the threshold for reporting discrimination and supports and advises those facing harassment.
It is important that the event organiser supports the harassment contact persons and their well-being by, for example, organising trainings or other support activities if necessary.
Duties of the harassment contact person
- Listen to and provide support for those experiencing harassment or other inappropriate behavior.
- Provides information on further actions and, if necessary, steers forward.
- Does not make decisions, but acts as a support person.
As an event organizer, make sure participants have the opportunity to report harassment in a variety of ways, for example:
On-site: by contacting the harassment contact person directly during the event.
By phone or message: by calling or sending a message to the indicated phone number.
By e-mail: by sending a message to the e-mail address provided by the event organizer.
Anonymously: by submitting a notification via an anonymous form.
Make sure that the participants of the event know about the existence of the harassment contact person and how to contact them, and that the contact details of the harassment contact person, such as phone number, e-mail address and link and e.g. the qr code for the electronic form is both on the virtual event page and on the spot (posters, flairs, etc.).
The role of the harassment contact person - how to act in harassment situations:
Receive the information calmly. Thank the person who made the report for contacting you. Make sure that the person feels safe and is able to tell you what has happened. For example, you can start by saying, "Thank you for contacting me and letting me know about this. This is an important issue, and I take it seriously. I'll listen to you, and together we can figure out how you want to proceed."
Listen and support: Be empathetic and listen to the victim's experience without understatement or blame.
Act confidentially: Do not share information without the permission of the person concerned.
Guide them forward: Provide information on how to address the situation and who to contact (e.g. event organizers, authorities, police, support services).
Ask them how they want to proceed. The alternative may be that the person just wants to share their experience, others need active action, e.g. an apology, or that the harasser is removed from the event.
Do not force further action. Don't make decisions for the victim. The victim has the right to decide how they want the situation to be handled.
Document: Record the main points of what happened in confidence if the victim gives permission. Make a brief and neutral written note of what happened. This can help other harassment contact persons as well as event organisers to act in and prevent similar situations in the future. Inform event organizers in general about incidents of harassment (without identifying information) so that the safety of the event can be improved in the future.
Do not judge or decide: The harasser contact person is not a judge, but a support person.
When you encounter someone who has committed harassment, tell them that the event follows the Safer Space principles and that harassment is not acceptable in any form. Explain that your role is to find out what has happened. Ask them to share their views on the situation.
For example, you can start by saying, "I've been made aware that your behavior has been perceived as disruptive. I want to hear your point of view and go over with you what is considered proper and respectful behavior here."
If the harasser persists in hate speech or disruptive behavior, ask for an immediate end to the inappropriate behavior. Intervene and attempt to interrupt the offending speech immediately. You can say e.g. "I see that the debate is heading in an inappropriate direction.. Let's make sure everyone can feel safe and respected."
If necessary, you can ask the person harassing to leave the event.
The victim and harasser do not have to face each other!
After the event, participate in any feedback discussions with the event organisers and notify the event organisers if you noticed any development needs regarding safety or the activities of harassment contact persons.
Reflect on your own activities and take care of your own well-being discuss your experiences and, if necessary, ask for support and assistance from the event organiser.
Harassment contact person's guide 2024 (in Finnish), Väestöliitto (pdf-file)
Examples of Safer Space Principles
Safer space principles of Oulu2026
All our activities and events follow the safer space principles. The principles apply to employees, partners, and cultural programme organizers and audiences.
Be part of cultural climate change
The European Capital of Culture Oulu2026 belongs to everyone. Everyone has the right to enjoy culture without fear of discrimination. Everyone has freedom of opinion, but human rights are not a matter of opinion.
Do not tolerate inappropriate behavior or discrimination in any form.
Boldly address all forms of harassment.
Come as you are
Oulu2026 encourages participation and creativity. We have room for a variety of cultural expressions. Our events are carried out as accessible as possible. In experiencing culture, all emotions are possible, but you can still feel safe.
Implement a climate of respect and encouragement for diversity.
Respect everyone's personal physical and mental state.
Assume good from others. Ask and listen.
The city of Oulu’s principles for a safer and bolder space
Principles for a Safer and Bolder Space
The city of Oulu is committed to following the principles for a safer and bolder space. The principles mean a set of directions on how to act considerately and respectfully toward everyone in spaces and events.
The goal of the principles is to make every person feel welcome regardless of their personal traits or minority status. The promotion of equality and prevention of discrimination are written into Finnish law: Non-Discrimination Act. Authorities are obligated to promote the implementation of equality in their operations.
In a safe and bold space, everyone can feel welcome and be themselves naturally.
You may read the city of Oulu’s general principles for a safer and bolder space and add new principles to the poster template. Find the template here.
Everyone has the right to be seen, heard and accepted just as they are
We meet each other with respect, without prejudice
We respect everyone and everyone’s personal space. We create an atmosphere where it is safe to ask, make mistakes and learn.
We express ourselves clearly, understandably and in a friendly way. We greet each other. We listen to each other. We give space to everyone in conversation.
We offer and welcome feedback. We apologize.
We ensure that facilities and services are safe, accessible and easy to use.
We boldly intervene in defects and inappropriate behavior, discrimination and racism.
We create safer and bolder spaces together.
Safer space principles of Cultural Centre Valve
Guidelines for Safer Spaces at Cultural Centre Valve and Our Events
Everyone is welcome at Cultural Centre Valve and events organized by Valve. In our facilities and during our events, we follow the guidelines for safer spaces. Please familiarize yourself with these guidelines before your visit.
Cultural Centre Valve promotes the implementation of the City of Oulu’s equality and non-discrimination plan, which is based on the Non-Discrimination Act and the Act on Equality between Women and Men.
We approach one another without prejudice and as equals. We avoid making assumptions.
The Right to Be Yourself
Everyone has the right to be themselves. Discrimination and racism are not tolerated, and everyone is treated with respect and dignity.
Each person is responsible for their own behaviour. We allow each other the space to experience art and engage in activities. Inappropriate behavior should be addressed, and everyone has both the right and duty to intervene.
We advance a positive atmosphere through our own actions. We communicate openly and respectfully.
Safer space principles of Clubhouse Pönkkä
Let's smile and be positive
Let's ask how you're doing, say hello and say goodbye
Let's be honest
Let's ask everyone to join us,saying no is okay too
Help may be requested
Let's offer help to others
Listen to others
Let's be present
It's okay to talk about our emotions
Let's be ourselves
No discrimination or judgment of anyone
Appreciating others as they are
Let's behave ourselves:
- don't vent your bad feeling on others
- no cursing
- no name-calling
- no vandalism
- No threats
- No violence
You get to express yourself by:
- talking
- writing
- signing
- with pictures and photos
- using your phone
Use plain language
Activities and events are organized to be accessible
Everyone is important!
If you encounter or see inappropriate or unsafe behavior, contact a staff member!

Equal Oulu2026 -project is co-founded by the European Union.