2. Legislation
Taking diversity into account, promoting equality and eliminating discrimination are the cornerstones of various international human rights agreements and Finnish legislation and strategies.
In the context of the cultural sector, official documents highlight in particular the need to guarantee equal opportunities for everyone to participate in the making and experiencing of culture. The absolute starting point for all activities is the principle that no one should be discriminated against.
To achieve this, Finland is committed, among other things, to promoting cultural diversity, the diversity of cultural expressions and the accessibility of cultural life. This chapter presents some key laws and regulations at both national and international level.
Consider how your organization's activities (where applicable) concretely realize the objectives of the documents.
National laws and regulations
The Constitution of Finland 731/1999
You can familiarize yourself with the Constitution of Finland on the Finlex.fi website.
Some highlights from the Constitution of Finland:
Chapter 2 - Basic rights and liberties
Section 6 - Equality
Everyone is equal before the law. No one shall, without an acceptable reason, be treated differently from other persons on the ground of sex, age, origin, language, religion, conviction, opinion, health, disability or other reason that concerns his or her person.
Children shall be treated equally and as individuals and they shall be allowed to influence matters pertaining to themselves to a degree corresponding to their level of development.
Equality of the sexes is promoted in societal activity and working life, especially in the determination of pay and the other terms of employment, as provided in more detail by an Act.
Section 17 - Right to one's language and culture
The national languages of Finland are Finnish and Swedish.
The right of everyone to use his or her own language, either Finnish or Swedish, before courts of law and other authorities, and to receive official documents in that language, shall be guaranteed by an Act. The public authorities shall provide for the cultural and societal needs of the Finnish-speaking and Swedish-speaking populations of the country on an equal basis.
The Sami, as an indigenous people, as well as the Roma and other groups, have the right to maintain and develop their own language and culture. Provisions on the right of the Sami to use the Sami language before the authorities are laid down by an Act. The rights of persons using sign language and of persons in need of interpretation or translation aid owing to disability shall be guaranteed by an Act.
Section 20 - Responsibility for the environment
Nature and its biodiversity, the environment and the national heritage are the responsibility of everyone.
Non-discrimination Act 1325/2014
You can familiarize yourself with the Non-discrimination Act on the Finlex.fi website.
Some highlights from the Non-discrimination Act:
Chapter 1 - General provisions
Section 1 - Purpose of the Act
The purpose of this Act is to promote equality and prevent discrimination as well as to enhance the protection provided by law to those who have been discriminated against.
Chapter 3 - Prohibition of discrimination and victimisation
Section 8 - Prohibition of discrimination
No one may be discriminated against on the basis of age, origin, nationality, language, religion, belief, opinion, political activity, trade union activity, family relationships, state of health, disability, sexual orientation or other personal characteristics. Discrimination is prohibited, regardless of whether it is based on a fact or assumption concerning the person him/herself or another.
Section 9 - Positive action
Proportionate different treatment that aims to promote de facto equality, or to prevent or remove the disadvantages attributable to discrimination, does not constitute discrimination.
Act on Cultural Activities in Local Government 166/2019
You can familiarize yourself with the Act on Cultural Activities in Local Government on the Finlex.fi website.
Some highlights from the Act on Cultural Activities in Local Government:
Section 2 - Objectives of the Act
The objectives of this Act are to:
- support people’s opportunities for engaging in creative expression and activity, and for producing and experiencing culture and art;
- promote equal opportunities for all population groups, and further their participation in the culture, arts, and education;
- strengthen people’s health and wellbeing, as well as their inclusion and community engagement, through cultural and artistic means;
- create conditions through artistic and cultural means for developing both local and regional vitality and for providing creative activities to support them.
The implementation of these objectives is based on democracy, residents’ needs, equality, sustainable development, cultural diversity and dialogue.
Section 3 - Duties of local authorities
It is the duty of the local authorities to provide cultural activities. In order to fulfil this duty, local authorities shall:
- promote equal access to and broad use of cultural and art services ;
- create conditions for professional artistic work and activities;
- promote active involvement in the arts and culture and related civic activities;
- offer opportunities for goal-oriented artistic and cultural education covering different forms and fields of culture and art;
- promote the preservation and use of cultural heritage, and activities that foster and develop local identities;
- promote the arts and culture as part of residents' health and wellbeing, inclusion and community engagement, and local and regional vitality;
- promote cultural interaction and international activities, and carry out other artistic and cultural activities.
In fulfilling the duties referred to in subsection 1 and in providing the related services, the local authorities shall take into account local circumstances and resources and the needs of the different population groups. Local authorities may organise activities independently or in cooperation with other local authorities or in some other manner. Local authorities shall provide sufficient and diverse expertise for providing cultural activities.
In providing cultural activities, local authorities shall take into account any activities carried out under the Public Libraries Act (1492/2016), the Basic Art Education Act (633/1998), the Museums Act (729/1992), the Theatres and Orchestras Act (730/1992) and the Act on Liberal Adult Education (632/1998).
Public Libraries Act 1492/2016
You can familiarize yourself with the Public Libraries Act on the Finlex.fi website.
Some highlights from the Public Libraries Act:
Section 2 - Objectives
The objectives of this Act are to promote:
- equal opportunities for everyone to access education and culture;
- availability and use of information;
- reading culture and versatile literacy skills;
- opportunities for lifelong learning and competence development;
- active citizenship, democracy and freedom of expression.
The implementation of these objectives is based on sense of community, pluralism and cultural diversity.
Section 6 - Duties of public libraries
Public libraries are tasked with:
- providing access to materials, information and cultural contents;
- promoting social and cultural dialogue.
Museums Act 314/2019
You can familiarize yourself with the Museums Act on the Finlex.fi website.
Some highlights from the Museums Act:
Chapter 1 - General provisions
Section 1
The objective of this Act is to:
- maintain and strengthen individuals’ and communities’ understanding of and participation in culture, history and the environment;
- promote the preservation of cultural and natural heritage and art for future generations;
- promote a sense of community, continuity and cultural diversity;
- promote education, wellbeing, equality and democracy.
Section 2
The purpose of museum activities is to:
- record and preserve cultural and natural heritage and art;
- promote and make use of research on artefacts, data and other material;
- promote the availability, accessibility and use of artefacts, data and information;
- exhibit cultural and natural heritage and art and provide experiences;
- work and interact with the public and promote education and teaching.
Act on the Promotion of Performing Arts 1082/2020
You can familiarize yourself with the Act on the Promotion of Performing Arts on the Finlex.fi website (in Finnish).
Note: This text is and informal translation.
Some highlights from Act on the Promotion of Performing Arts:
Section 2
The purpose of this Act is to promote:
- high-quality and professional performing arts;
- equal access to education for the population;
- well-being, community and inclusion.
Section 3
The aim of the central government contribution to the operating costs of performing arts units is to promote the diversity and cultural diversity of performing arts, as well as the national and regional availability and accessibility of performing arts services to different population groups.
The Cultural Policy Report, Publications of the Finnish Government 2025:5
The report addresses the preservation, renewal, and vitality of the cultural foundation, as well as the operational conditions of the cultural and creative sectors, to enhance their societal impact. The time horizon of the report extends into the 2040s.
Some highlights from the report:
3.1 Future-proofing the bedrock of culture
The local and regional availability and accessibility of culture will be ensured by developing cultural services and activities in cooperation involving public, private and third-sector operators in a way that engages users and employs practices that improve accessibility.
- Targets for preventing exclusion will be set for the cultural industry to help our society offer everyone an inclusive and safe place to live and make everyone feel an equal member of society.
6.1.2 Regional, urban and rural development
Cultural policy pays increasing attention to ensuring linguistic and cultural diversity and to more broadly strengthening equality, accessibility and inclusion in different parts of the country, regardless of the existing municipal and regional structure
6.4 Guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Culture for the promotion of cultural diversity in arts and culture (2023)
- In Finnish cultural policy and artistic and cultural life, equity and equality must be ensured not only at the level of principles but also at the level of practice. No one in Finland may be subject to discrimination on the basis of factors such as origin, skin colour, citizenship or nationality, language, religion, health, disability, sexual orientation or any other reason associated with the person. Apart from direct discriminatory treatment, attention must also be paid to structural and intersectional discrimination and racism.
- The diverse Finnish cultural heritage has evolved over time in an interaction between cultures. A rich artistic and cultural life requires respect for the tangible and intangible cultural heritage and a desire and capacity for renewal, as well as wide-ranging inclusion and participation. Capabilities for recognising diversity must be improved, and dialogue between cultures must be strengthened. Everyone in Finland has the right to their own language and culture, as well as the right to draw diversely on the possibilities offered by art and culture.
- Education and competence have always been the foundation for the success of Finnish nation. Finland has people from many different countries and cultures who create and consume art and cultural services, and there have always been Finns who have travelled to other countries as professionals and consumers to become part of international networks and interaction. As active citizens, all people living in Finland must have the opportunity to increase their knowledge and skills, use their competence and creativity in their daily lives and enjoy a diverse cultural offering. Motivation to become an artist or a professional in the cultural industry must be cultivated and supported.
International laws and regulations
Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions
You can familiarize yourself with the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions on the UNESDOC-website.
Highlight from the Convention
Article 2 - Guiding Principles
Principle of equal dignity of and respect for all cultures
The protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions presuppose the recognition of equal dignity of and respect for all cultures, including the cultures of persons belonging to minorities and indigenous peoples.
Convention on Diversity of Cultural Expressions
You can familiarize yourself with the Convention on Diversity of Cultural Expressions on the UNESDOC-website.
Highlight from the Convention
Article 1 - Objectives
The objectives of this Convention are:
a) to protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions;
e) to promote respect for the diversity of cultural expressions and raise awareness of its value at the local, national and international levels;
g) to give recognition to the distinctive nature of cultural activities, goods and services as vehicles of identity, values and meaning;
Article 2 - Guiding Principles
3. Principle of equal dignity of and respect for all cultures
The protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions presuppose the recognition of equal dignity of and respect for all cultures, including the cultures of persons belonging to minorities and indigenous peoples.
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Highlight from the Convention
Article 30 - Participation in cultural life, recreation, leisure and sport
- States Parties recognize the right of persons with disabilities to take part on an equal basis with others in cultural life, and shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that persons with disabilities:
- Enjoy access to cultural materials in accessible formats;
- Enjoy access to television programmes, films, theatre and other cultural activities, in accessible formats;
- Enjoy access to places for cultural performances or services, such as theatres, museums, cinemas, libraries and tourism services, and, as far as possible, enjoy access to monuments and sites of national cultural importance.
- States Parties shall take appropriate measures to enable persons with disabilities to have the opportunity to develop and utilize their creative, artistic and intellectual potential, not only for their own benefit, but also for the enrichment of society.
4. Persons with disabilities shall be entitled, on an equal basis with others, to recognition and support of their specific cultural and linguistic identity, including sign languages and deaf culture.

Equal Oulu2026 -project is co-founded by the European Union.