Grants for Culture

The City of Oulu's Educational and Cultural Services support arts and culture operators, as well as art professionals and their work groups, with grants.

Contents of this page:

Annual Grants

Oulu Valistustalo Fund Grants

Grants for Culture

Small grants for Event Organizers

Current news about grants for culture


Culture Partners have been chosen for the 2025–2027 season

The city of Oulu’s Culture Services has signed temporary contracts with professional communities working in the culture field since 2006. Culture partners receive support for their activities and produce cultural content and events for all citizens of Oulu and the residents of nearby regions. 

Contracts reinforce the long-term development work of culture operators and their cooperation with the city of Oulu. Culture partners form a wide network of specialists which has a significant role in the city’s art and culture activities. The culture partners play a significant role in the Oulu2026 European Capital of Culture year’s implementation and designing and launching the year’s inheritance work during the coming partnership period. 

For the contract period 2025–2027, there are 14 partner communities in different fields of art who have been chosen with open applications. See the chosen culture partners on the Culture Services’ website.  

Application period for 2025 Cultural Grant open 14.10.–8.11. until 15.30.

The categories of cultural are workspace grants, operating grants for associations, project grants and event grants. The grants are primarily applied for through eAsiointi service.

A grant clinic will be held on Monday, 14.10.2024 at 17.30 online. Link to the clinic:  The clinic is in Finnish.

2025 Cultural Grant Applications via the eAsionti Service 

All cultural grant application forms can be found on the eAsionti service.

You must log in to the service with bank authorization, mobile certificate or card certificate. You must register to the service when you use it for the first time. 

When using the service on behalf of a business, association or other person, you must also have a granted mandate. You must be mandated to send grant applications (“Avustushakemuksen tekeminen”). General authority to sign documents is also sufficient. 

Request mandates here. The link will open in a new window. 

The eAsionti service monitors time-outs of authorizations and mandates. Thus, the form should be filled in from start to finish seamlessly. The cloud service can process some information slowly while you are filling in the application, but it will continue eventually. If the application freezes completely, you should try with another web browser. It is possible to save the application as a draft and continue filling it in later.  

The grants are primarily applied for through eAsiointi service (in Finnish). If needed, you can request the pdf application form from Oulu10 services by email: