Alakööki - Developement Unit for Sustainable Development and Cultural Education in Early Education

Alakööki is a development unit for the sustainable future, culture and physical education of early childhood education in Oulu. The Development Unit, which has been operating since 2004, combines education for a sustainable future, environmental education, physical education, and arts and cultural heritage education. Alaköökki's office is located in Hupisaari, near Ainola Park.
Alakööki organises diverse pedagogical sustainable future and cultural education activities for early childhood education units, such as experiential and experiential activity paths in the vicinity of daycare centres and functional tours in the exhibitions and facilities of cultural operators in Oulu. The aim of the activities is to strengthen the children's and staff's relationship with nature, to increase understanding of the circular economy and climate competence, and to develop children's cultural education and staff competence in art and cultural heritage education.
Alakööki organises training and workshops for early childhood education staff to support the implementation of sustainable future education and cultural education. In addition, Alakööki's developer teachers are responsible for the activities of the Reppu working group for a sustainable future and the Kulttuurikapsäkki working group for cultural education. The Reppu and Kulttuurikapsäkki working groups support the education of a sustainable future in early childhood education and care as well as cultural education by bringing up-to-date information on daycare centres to the development work.
Alakööki is a member of the LYKE network of the Association of Finnish Nature and Environmental Schools and is one of its development centres. Alakööki is also a regional promoter of the Green Flag.
Contact details
Visiting: Hupisaaret City Park
Mailing address: Oulu10 -palvelut/Alakööki, PL 17, 90015 Oulun kaupunki