tel. 040 585 2756
tel. 050 593 3830
tel. 044 497 0755
N.B! Communication between families and groups mainly takes place through eVaka.
Vesala daycare centre is located in Ylikiiminki.
Valpastie 11
Oulu, Finland
tel. 040 585 2756
tel. 050 593 3830
tel. 044 497 0755
N.B! Communication between families and groups mainly takes place through eVaka.
This is a machine translation.
We organize preschool education in Peipposet group.
Cooperation between preschool education and primary education is natural and close: We operate in the same school building and the aim is to support children's individual learning already at the transition stage of preschool and primary education. A common pedagogical annual clock has been drawn up for pre-primary and primary education, which is updated with the contents of co-education. We are also involved in a two-year preschool experiment. We work in close cooperation with pupil welfare services, and in everyday life we have the support of a school psychologist and a school social worker in addition to our own early childhood special education teacher.
We follow the preschool curriculum of the City of Oulu.
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Vesala daycare centre is part of Vesala community centre. The same building houses a daycare centre, school and youth services. At Vesala daycare centre, children are aged 0–6 years and there is a preschool group at the daycare centre. The number and size of groups of children varies annually according to the number of children, currently there are three groups. Vesala's community centre has great opportunities for local sports and hiking thanks to the riverside learning gardens, campfire sites and nearby forests. In the community centre, we are able to utilise the facilities for arts and crafts subjects as well as the Fablab space. Our community centre operates in a communal manner in everyday life, a good example of which is Vesala Open activities and the shared STEAM learning path with the school.
Vesala knows how to pull together! Together we can achieve something much bigger than ourselves.
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Our daycare centre's strong focus areas are positive pedagogy, communality, nature education and cooperation between preschool and primary education. The daycare centre has the Green Flag Sustainable Quality Label.
We follow the City of Oulu's early childhood education plan in our operations.
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