Värttö Daycare Centre

Facade photo of the daycare centre

Värttö daycare centre

The daycare centre is located in the Värtö district, next to the sports hall.


Kurkelantie 9
90230 OULU
Oulu, Finland


Director Mikko Gröhn, mikko.grohn@ouka.fi
044 7035 440
Deputy director Tuula Paloniemi, tuula.paloniemi@ouka.fi
040 1839 399
Special Education Teacher in Early Childhood Education Miia Kosunen, miia.kosunen@ouka.fi
044 7035 310

Opening hours

Groups with extended opening hours are open Mon–Sun 5.30–22.30 according to care time reservations



Preschool education

Our daycare centre

Mission statement